The problem I have with ranking players by their average rating is that a player's rating is highly dependent upon their game shape. (Look on the first page of any player's stats and his first two games are usually lower than the rest.) This tends to penalize teams with fewer players (~10), as the game shape of their star players can be ruined by too many minutes. This is particularly true during long Cup runs.
That said, I have the #2 & #8 rated players in the league.
what are your regrets about this season?
Losing in the 4th round of the Cup playing TIE. I knew I should've normaled that game and didn't because I wanted the enthusiasm for league games. What a waste: I never really used the enthusiasm, as I only normaled twice in the entire regular season, and one of them was an accident (sorry, Apollos).
I also regret many of my training choices during the season, but I'll keep those to myself.