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Help with foreign names.

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97919.14 in reply to 97919.13
Date: 6/26/2009 2:30:47 PM
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I'm Italian. The correct pronunciation is Cheeckee. Well actually it's a little bit different but I can't think of a better approximation, after all different languages have different sounds.

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97919.15 in reply to 97919.14
Date: 6/26/2009 10:50:20 PM
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Thank you, Italian gselfish. I prefer the advice of native speakers. To use English sounds I choose the words cheek key. I thionk the glottal stop in the middle is important. It's not one k sound, but two. not cheeky, but cheek key.

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97919.16 in reply to 97919.15
Date: 6/28/2009 6:15:49 AM
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That's correct. I would only point out that the accent is on the first syllable, so the best phonetic transcription is probably:

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97919.17 in reply to 97919.16
Date: 6/28/2009 12:03:31 PM
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Thank you for the good use of phonetics. It is better than I have done in phonetics. I'm happy to see where the accent is too.