Oh hey, thanks Gully. That's okay, and nice of you to clarify.
On my part, I wasn't trying to brush over the fact that trends have still been negative overall, as that is clearly the case, but I am for sure stressing that they are becoming less negative, and hoping that micro trend shift continues.
The thing that I struggle with throughout the myriad suggestions by people as to how to improve the game (I won't say 'fix' the game, because that implies it is broken), is that they are mostly based upon a magic bullet theory that goes along the lines of "Functionality 'A' is wrong, and thus must be fixed, and must be fixed this way, and it is why everyone is leaving... thus, we must completely obliterate Functionality 'A' and start from scratch, as that will save the day...", when it is not at all clear that it actually would.
The urgency for these improvements seem to stem from this idea that the user base is dropping like a rock, when in actuality, it is more like a feather slowly drifting down from the outer atmosphere, bouncing around, up and down, sometimes hitting an air pocket and dropping faster, and sometimes catching a thermal and rising, but it is a variable, and the reasons for its ebbs and flows are mostly unknown/speculative, thus prescribing a forced answer to what may not be the problem is going to quite possibly cause more harm than good.
The reason I find it important that the decline is slow is that it gives the BB staff time to try things here and there to buoy the user base by implementing changes they determine are acceptable, and fall within the scope of their vision for this game. If the user base was dropping by 1000 per week, then I could see how there would be a need to try something drastic, and I'd be more open to it, otherwise I'd be the last team standing in five short months, and that would be much less fun.
Last edited by Iguanadon Joe at 3/29/2016 7:21:09 PM