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BB Malaysia > Translate HELP

Translate HELP

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From: Vandar

This Post:
89425.144 in reply to 89425.142
Date: 1/6/2011 1:34:24 AM
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Might help in stimulating idea..

regular starter-pemula tetap
rotation player-pemain bergilir
backup-sokongan, sampingan, pengganti(from substitute)
end of bench-pemain akhiran, pilihan terakhir

From all of it I think pemula tetap is okay.

End of bench is one tough one. Doesn't sounds right if fit in 'tepi bangku'. Wait, tepi bangku is okay as a poor title.

I'm out, pemain paling suci! pemain TERSUCI!!, haha, pemain tiba-tiba termain, pemain tiba-tiba main-main, pemain tiba-tiba jadi bulat, how come I have so much ridiculous idea but none of Idea Unggul.

Last edited by Vandar at 1/9/2011 8:35:14 AM

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From: Vandar

This Post:
89425.147 in reply to 89425.146
Date: 1/7/2011 7:32:45 AM
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lol last man on earth..

It can be the meaning, end of bench might means that the coach will only pick him as a last resort as he is the last choice, but it is a position which at least he can play, a title which is better than makan gaji buta that totally can't let him play.

If directly translate, it will be akhir bangku, or maybe add the word pemain in front of it...

Last edited by Vandar at 1/7/2011 7:35:13 AM

From: Vandar

This Post:
89425.149 in reply to 89425.148
Date: 1/9/2011 2:14:36 AM
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How about just 'akhir bangku'?

Hujung bangku? Just an idea

End of bench....the player who is sitting at the side of the bench and will only be picked as a last resort....Tough man

Last edited by Vandar at 1/9/2011 3:10:14 AM

This Post:
89425.150 in reply to 89425.149
Date: 1/9/2011 12:25:18 PM
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anak manager? D:

This Post:
89425.151 in reply to 89425.150
Date: 1/12/2011 10:43:46 AM
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Anak manager = Key player xD

From: -CS

This Post:
89425.153 in reply to 89425.8
Date: 1/27/2011 7:04:46 PM
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[h3]Welcome to BuzzerBeater, {alias}![/h3]
[p]Congratulations, [teamoverviewlink]{teamName}[/link] have appointed you as their new general manager! This season, they are currently sitting on a {wins}-{losses} record in league [standingslink]{leagueName}[/link], one of {divLevelNumber} division {divisionLevel} leagues in [countrylink]{countryName}[/link]. {cupText} The fans are dreaming that you'll win your way through the divisions and become [link=league/{topLeagueID}/overview.aspx]{topLeagueName}[/link] champions. Of course, there are {numTeams} other teams standing in your way...[/p]
[p]So, where to begin? Eventually, you'll get around to scouting, drafts, training, finances, and everything else you can do to beat the competition. But first, the /manage/checklist.aspxManager Tutorial[/link] is a great place to get started, and will show you everything you need to know to run a successful team. {nextMatchText} You can get help in the [link=help.aspx]Help Forum[/link], or by sending your local GM a BB-Mail.[/p]
[p]Good luck, and we hope you enjoy the game![/p]
[p]-The BuzzerBeater Team[/p]

any idea to translate for this?

dear another LA as i forgot his name, as you said after your exam during 2010 you are busy so you unable to do any translation, but now is year 2011, are you still unable to do it?

From: Mr. Shim²

To: -CS
This Post:
89425.154 in reply to 89425.153
Date: 1/28/2011 12:07:05 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
nah pertolongan takat yang termampu...hehehe

[H3] Selamat datang ke BuzzerBeater, {alias}! [/ H3]
[P] Tahniah, [teamoverviewlink] {teamName} [/ link] telah melantik anda sebagai pengurus pasukan mereka yang baru! Musim ini, mereka sedang berada di kedudukan {menang} - {kalah} yang dicatat dalam liga [standingslink] kumpulan leagueName {} [/ link], salah satu kumpulan} {divLevelNumber division {divisionLevel} di [countrylink] [{countryName} / link ]. {CupText} Para peminat mengimpikan bahawa kemenangan sentiasa di pihak anda di seluruh division dan menjadi [link = kumpulan / {topLeagueID} / overview.aspx] {} topLeagueName juara [link /]. Tentu saja, ada numTeams} {pasukan yang lain yang akan menghalang.
[L] Jadi, di mana untuk kita mulakannya? Akhirnya, anda akan mendapat mencari bakat, draft, latihan, kewangan dan segala yang diperlukan untuk menewaskan pesaing anda. Sebagai permulaan, (/ menguruskan / checklist.aspx) Pengurus Tutorial [/ link] adalah tempat yang tepat yang sesuai bermula, dan akan menunjukkan kepada anda semua yang perlu anda ketahui untuk membawa pasukan anda ke puncak kejayaan!!. NextMatchText {} anda boleh mendapatkan bantuan di [link = help.aspx] Bantuan Forum [/ link], atau dengan menghantar tempatan GM BB-Mail. anda [/ p]
[L] Good luck, dan kami berharap anda menikmati permainan! [/ P]
[P]-Pasukan BuzzerBeater [/

Last edited by Mr. Shim² at 1/28/2011 12:08:38 AM
