As always our last sight of the season is an empty arena as the cleaning crew pushes away the confetti from the floor.
Announcer: well it's time to close the books on another season. Congrats to Joe D and his pistons for a title well earned, and the best going forward. And congrats to 2 for coming so close. Lastly, thank you, the fans who follow the clubs who make up the slaughterhouse for joining us all throughout the campaign. For those going down the ranks, Godspeed on your return. As for the rest of us, we will be back soon to start the chase all over again, until that time here is a last look at the season that was. Until we all meet again...good night
Cue: course what follows is a montage of some of the best moments of the season. Concluding with one final silent glance at the empty arena showing the final tally