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Suggestions > Remove possibility to play TIE

Remove possibility to play TIE

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From: brian

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125223.15 in reply to 125223.14
Date: 12/27/2009 4:50:00 PM
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I'm stronger than almost all in my II.4. division, and can win almost all games with TIE

So you are unaffected by the enthusiasm system. Why would you have any issues with a system that is more or less a second thought to your game planning.

For me, and other teams in competitive divisions, game planning is driven by (in this order usually):

1 - Playing home or away
2- Enthusiasm choices of you and your opponent
3 - Player and tactical choices

So, enthusiasm is more important then player and tactical choices when I'm planning for a game. Seems backwards, but that's how it is.

Last edited by brian at 12/27/2009 4:50:52 PM

"Well, no ones gonna top that." -
From: CrazyEye

This Post:
125223.16 in reply to 125223.12
Date: 12/27/2009 5:01:06 PM
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The current system is unrealistic. Some things have been changed due to, in part, being unrealistic (most recently, arena seating cap).

I'm not sure what you mean by killing the system unless the suggestion is to simply remove enthusiasm. Though, that works pretty well in the B3 and private leagues. Those are the most enjoyable games in BB anyways.

thats exactly what i mean with killing the system, because it get moved completed. And as isaid i liked the tactitacial oppurtunities of this unealistic system.

And about the realisitic, the arena are still after the change totally unrealistic, because the most unrealisitc thing is the part of building them, did you see a arena who could be enlarge like here? Raining is also fun.

I never played BBB, but the Pl is pretty boring for me and i have alot of fun in league, and in NT games.(maybe the competition in your league is to weak for you, and you got them in the bb or pl)

From: Kivan

This Post:
125223.17 in reply to 125223.15
Date: 12/27/2009 5:15:18 PM
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I don't have an issue with the current system, I love it because it gives me a chance to win against the First division teams in the Cup, it helps me against managers that always play normal even if they are as twice as strong as the opponents.
I don't think it's more important than player and tactical choices because a 3-2 against a motion offense and good outside defense pg-sg-sf can neutralize the ent choice if the opponent didn't guess the right defense for your offense.

Anyway... elections for the President of Croatia are today, and I'm listening to the TV at the moment so I kinda lost my train of thoughts sorry)))

From: kksspp

This Post:
125223.18 in reply to 125223.9
Date: 12/27/2009 5:19:33 PM
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it's more fun to play managing ent and trying to guess what the other team will play and when to do normal

That is why I started this thread - collusions will take a lot from BB tactical play. It's not fun to know that opponents play TIE in their games and against you they can play with greater enthusiasm. If BB would admit that this is a problem then I'm sure that suggestions would came.

From: kksspp

This Post:
125223.19 in reply to 125223.8
Date: 12/27/2009 5:35:24 PM
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i remember none suggestion good suggestion, which eliminates mutal ie without killing the tie system.

At start their could be some penalty - like degradation to lower division (if opponent have reported about it) or money penalty at least. If someone wanted to offer playing TIE he had to keep in mind that he can receive a penalty. That would be closer to real life.

From: Kivan

This Post:
125223.20 in reply to 125223.18
Date: 12/27/2009 5:37:14 PM
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but as some people said, apart from reading or filtering BB-Mails with keyword as mutual and TIE and something like that, it would be nearly impossible to eradicate that. And that would mean bye bye privacy. And that's just wrong.

On the other side, as someone else said, colluding like that is also a part of the game, something that does happen in real life also.

I personally don't see a reason to change the current model, everyone can use the options given to them the same as others.

From: brian

This Post:
125223.21 in reply to 125223.17
Date: 12/27/2009 6:11:18 PM
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I don't have an issue with the current system, I love it because it gives me a chance to win against the First division teams in the Cup

Again, you enjoy the system because for the majority of your games you don't have to think about it. The only time you have to think about it is in cup games that are against decent opponents, which is a minority of the total games you play.

it helps me against managers that always play normal even if they are as twice as strong as the opponents

Either those strong teams have no choice but to play normal to stay competitive (where the temptation to mutual tie is hard to pass up) or they aren't very good managers. I assume you're referring to the former where you get the chance to pick off better teams in the cup, at no cost to you since you're in an easy division.

I don't think it's more important than player and tactical choices

In setting a your depth chart you have to keep in mind many things outside of just putting the best team out there and playing the strongest tactic. You must consider HCA, minutes for training and also enthusiasm. Those things drive what kind of team to put on the court and if you ignore any of them that will hurt you in the long run.

This is what I love about PL and B3 games, you don't have to think about training and enthusiasm. It's even better with the new defensive matchups, so you can spend more time on actual tactics, matchups, scouting, etc.

"Well, no ones gonna top that." -
From: brian

This Post:
125223.22 in reply to 125223.16
Date: 12/27/2009 6:14:56 PM
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i have alot of fun in league, and in NT games.

Mutual TIE's exist in NT games too. As a U21 coach I have been on both ends of offering and receiving offers. As an assistant to the full NT it has happened too. NT games are very much effected by enthusiasm, mutual tie's, and even broken agreements. I'd prefer to see how it plays out when talent and tactical coaching decides games.

Last edited by brian at 12/27/2009 6:15:51 PM

"Well, no ones gonna top that." -
From: Kivan

This Post:
125223.23 in reply to 125223.21
Date: 12/27/2009 6:22:49 PM
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those strong teams are managed by bad managers

and yes you have to think about many teams outside putting your best team on the court during the season games, and that's the gusto of the game

and I love the new defensive matchup options

and damn, such an idiot is going into the second round of the President elections, ashamed to be Croatian at the moment.

that's why I'm smoking and drinking at the moment

and you didn't comment that

From: CrazyEye

This Post:
125223.24 in reply to 125223.22
Date: 12/28/2009 8:10:00 AM
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i have alot of fun in league, and in NT games.

Mutual TIE's exist in NT games too. As a U21 coach I have been on both ends of offering and receiving offers. As an assistant to the full NT it has happened too. NT games are very much effected by enthusiasm, mutual tie's, and even broken agreements. I'd prefer to see how it plays out when talent and tactical coaching decides games.

but they are also often broken, i could remember two games like that in the last season with german participation(we are the victim, but thats the risk of it). But talent and tactical decision also play a big role, but more into it guves small teams the chanche to amke a surprise(at least thats often the reason why i flew out of the cup, and i think this make this competition enjoyable for me and my opponennts)

Last edited by CrazyEye at 12/28/2009 8:11:15 AM

This Post:
125223.25 in reply to 125223.24
Date: 12/28/2009 8:21:48 AM
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I think that there is an option to force managers to more think about TIE games. If there would be any impact on volume of visitors, this could solve the problem. I can clearly imagine that on highest leagues is necessary to do mutual TIEs, to have any advantage, but this is not good for the game itself. But also would not be good if there would exist any lineary relation between "how many TIEs, less attendeance you will have", because if you choose oftenly a strategy TIE/CT, you should not be financially punished just because you are creative and use aditional kind of strategy. So only thing which have to be fixed is the behaviour of these, which do only TIE TIE TIE TIE NORMAL TIE TIE NORMAL....

Imagine that if your team lack the effort continuosely, people will start to be bored about your games. On the other side if you play upside down, every game differently, this should be little bit more benefited, because nobody can predict what you will do next time.

On the other side I dont think that should be punished that kind of strategy, in which you "sacrifice" several games to boost your enthusiasm for the key match or playoff. So the solution should be more long-term oriented - so you will start to lose attendeance after a month of TIE games with no CT, not less or something like that. What do you think?
