And I wasn’t complaining above, I knew exactly what I was getting when I lost out on the fight for 6th place and finished 5th (I thought I mentioned that I was happy with 5th, but I guess that part wasn’t understood). I was just responding to what I thought was an excellent suggestion for what many see as a problem.
I know you weren't complaining, my post wasn't directed at you, it was just directed in general to people that are unhappy with coming 5th.
Would simply receiving 1 extra game for training purposes make 5th place so much more desirable? Having a 2 game week isn't that bad, you can still train 2 players in 1 position, or 4 players in 2 position, or just do one of the team trainings. I guess I don't consider coming 5th that much of a disadvantage except in terms of income. 6th place gets more income at the expense of potentially relegating. 5th place gets slightly less money and slightly less training for not having any chance of relegating.