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BB België > [NT] seizoen 15/ Saison 15

[NT] seizoen 15/ Saison 15

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171066.15 in reply to 171066.14
Date: 2/14/2011 2:14:57 PM
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ok, this was a total surprize. i'll admit that i was sure about thier tactical decision that it would be R&G and MTM, so i went with Convalle on the SF as starter and Luyckx as back up. but i never had though about winning for a single minute. my main idea was to limit the damage that we'd get from Portugal by setting up the best defensif players that we had, and i took a gamble on the SF position (i couldn't use my favorite Otto-Lussu combo -- haven't been able to use them at all untill now... -- so i had to take a gamble)

anyhow, a highly unexpected turn of events. and seeing that Ukraina lost their match too, this means that ukraine has to both beat Slovenko and Portugal if they want to have a shot at the second spot, so their will be a CT against Slovenko/Portugal... and Portugal and slovenko still need to play eachother, so thsi win has really brought the qualification really close...

it's been a very long time since Belgium went to the European championship... and this season, we really got a chance. i'd like to thank all the voters who voted for still having confidence in me, even tho my results weren't superbe last season. I hope i've proven those who doughted me wrong :P

and now, i'll have to try and keep my cool and not get to overconfident. let's first get that qualification, before we start celebrating ( maw het vel van den beer niet verkopen voordat em geschoten is)

big thank you to all the managers of the NT players for keeping their GS so high! keep up the good work! this week, i only had 1 player with a GS lower than 8! So superbe work!


This Post:
171066.16 in reply to 171066.15
Date: 2/14/2011 9:43:56 PM
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1 Ball for you :P

This Post:
171066.18 in reply to 171066.17
Date: 2/28/2011 6:25:27 PM
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On to the next round! Big win today, and the next result doesn't matter anymore. Portugal and Slovenko need to face off against eachother, and both are one game behind us.

the origianl goal was to make the top 4, and with a bitt of luck, slip into second seed. but to think that we'd be able to maximalize our enthousiasme for the next round, is a highly and most welcome surprize.

i'd like to thank my NT scouts Radmanovic and Garrus for the great work so far. also many thanks to Angi, Sum and Joe for the great U21 work they have been doing so far.

and last but not least, thanks to all the managers who are training/own a NT player. keep their GS high guy's, and just might be able to continue this incredible ammount of good results.


ps: sorry that i can't follow our own NT games at this point in the chat like i usually do, but i've got loads of work ( NT, U21 and work for uni) atm, so need to use that time for other stuff right now, but i hope to see some supporters in the chat very soon.

This Post:
171066.19 in reply to 171066.18
Date: 3/8/2011 4:26:12 AM
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ok guy's

we have won our last game aswell, moving on with a pretty good enthousiasme. unfortunately, in our pool, everyone except Eesti seems to have saved their enthousiasme, so getting a win is going to be hard. alot will depend on the GS. It is only the second time in the belgian BB history that our NT has made it out of the european qualifiers! the only other time we made it out the the qualifiers, was in season 9.

our next opponents are:


Goal will be to win atleast one game, and by doing so, move up on the world ranking as much as possible. Let's show em that belgium is not only famous for our chocolat!

This Post:
171066.20 in reply to 171066.19
Date: 3/8/2011 11:25:46 AM
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hm , only 1 game?
that's a low goal you set there.

I'd try to go for at least 2 games. Otherwise you can throw all games except the last , lpaying all TIe, and then CT the last one for the win... that would be too easy. ;)

Don't be so easy on yourself, the belgian community is demanding, and used to successes of Sum and Joe, so.... stand on your toes, and get those 3 wins!!!

They are not your friends; they dispise you. I am the only one you can count on. Trust me.
This Post:
171066.22 in reply to 171066.21
Date: 3/8/2011 4:59:39 PM
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never forget to read the winks and teasing tongues...

They are not your friends; they dispise you. I am the only one you can count on. Trust me.
This Post:
171066.24 in reply to 171066.23
Date: 3/14/2011 1:56:51 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Wow. Nice!

"Air is beautiful, yet you cannot see it. It's soft, yet you cannot touch it. Air is a little like my brain." - Jean-Claude Van Damme
This Post:
171066.25 in reply to 171066.23
Date: 3/14/2011 2:58:57 PM
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And a 8th win in a row :D

We thought with Revo that Eesti has played CT his two last games, and when I look at the team ratings, it seems that it was true :D


Eesti seemed like they had a very low enthousiasme, and by the looks of it, we nailed it their.

the difference in enthousiasme gaves us the win.

@ GM-LoD:

Eesti had a low enthousiasme, and turkey has gone normal a few times. other than that, all the other teams have near maxed out enthousiasme. the only way to beat Poland, Lietuvia or Germany, would be if they had horrible GS and we would have alot of players with GS proficient ( something which is unlikely that it will happen).

so i was counting on a win against Eesti, and maybe one against Turkey, since the managers who own the turkish players seem to be struggling big time to keep the minutes down for their NT players. but against Lietuvia or Germany, we'll need alot of luck to give us favorable conditions before i'll even consider going normal or CT against those teams (Poland drew a short straw and will probably face a CT, since i'm expecting it to be our last NT game for the european championship). and if Turkey has a good GS the week we play them, then they could beat us. If all the teams in the european champonship would have the same enthousiasme, then we'd be the weakest one without any dought. you could argue that in the other pool, israel might be slightely weaker, but appart from that, we are the weakest team ( but this could be in our advantage too :D) let's hope and see how things go. any win from now is a bonus. we made the european championship, which is already a rahter good preformance. i just want to avoid the last spot in our pool. i don't want the other NT's to consider Belgium as a push-over who made the european championship by sheer luck. i want to show em that even if we don't have the best players of the world, we can still put up a good fight. and if they underestimate us, then we might be able to make em pay for it... again, GS will have a very big impact on the comming results. but so far, it's been rather good this season.

i also used my last spot on the NT rooster to call up a new NT player. their is a Egyptian Candidate to take him into his team and to continue his training, so unless you don't intend on continuing his training, i'd like to ask you guy's not to buy that C, since it will be in the NT's best interests if he ends up with that Egyptian team who will futher his training.

next game is against Germany, and unless i have very favorable conditions, i will most likely put up a wall of defence againt them, and try to limit the damage (and not waste enthousiasme either)



ps: Belgian coaches sure are very demanding... Belgian NT is in the european championship for the second time in BB history, and i've only got an approval rate of 68%. by the looks of it, you'd say that 30% of the belgian BB community expects me to win the world championship with the players that we've got ( which is, seeing how things are developping now, highly unlikely that we'll be able get to the world championship anytime soon. other european countries have much more players who are being trained and much more ( and often better) trained players that what we have *snif* )

Last edited by AthrunZala at 3/14/2011 4:27:42 PM
