More deterministic: We have artificially decreased the random factor quite substantially so that the better team will win more often, and so that the results will make more sense.
Good. Hope there will still be room for surprises.
Changes in Enthusiasm: With a decrease in the random factor, we can now use enthusiasm in a way that makes more sense than the current implementation..
Do not really get this point... can someone clarify?
Boxscore: Because Take it Easy and Crunch Time no longer directly influence the team ratings, we will instead report on the boxscore which team tried harder, or whether they tried equally hard
Good, but do no understand how the enthusiasm level will be taken into account from now on. If it also does not influence the ratings anymore, will there be several level of 'harder' to include it somewhere?
Forfeits: # Improved handling of forfeits so that players play a reasonable number of minutes but do not set records, skew league leaders, etc.
Great news.
Better Shooters: We will be increasing the efficiency of longer-range jump shots
Here I am a bit worried. The modification in itself is good. But outside players
- do already train faster.
- have a higher market value.
- are released much less with free agents (due to the salary threshold).
Hope that altogether the game balance is still preserved!
Injuries: We will decrease the length of all injuries generated by the game engine; you will approximately find that all injuries that currently are X weeks will now be of a length so that the player will miss approximately X league games.
Veeeery good :)
I really like the swap from weeks to league games in injury length.
New Draft Procedure: This really deserves its own news, and will get one in a few weeks when we're ready to release the final version. The current draft procedure will be overhauled an...
I hope it will be possible to follow it 'live' :)))