Speaking to Perpete, personally, because of Wolph I go to the forums more often, but thats because 1. he's detailed and logical, and then 2. he's entertaining.
Tough, the NTs are already a joke, thats why so few people on the offsite try to get involved. And few of the old-time veterans make big deals over it, it's more the "think they know it alls" trying the same thing over and over, and expecting different results (insanity)
Wolph is right about the farm teams.... even looking at the USA-Offsite, i could name you teams that did/have done that based on their user activity on the off-site vs time on main site, as well as where/how their players and teams went.
It's not hard to follow simple math, which is what this game essentially is, 1 math formula after another..., The thing about math, is it never lies.