Some players of that team may have went to the Free Agent Market, altough with the increased needed salary to go the FA market and the fact that a D5 team, few or none players may have left to it. New players will be created only and if that team is replaced by a new human manager.
I can confirm that no players left the team in the last few weeks. The roster stayed exactly the same, it's just the lineup that changed.
The team is: NY KNICKS NY (55442)
Starters before the team turned into a BOT:
PG - Acero (nominal PG, USD 7,709)
SG - Virgil (nominal SF, USD 10,444)
SF - Niemczuk (nominal SF, USD 5132)
PF - Macijevskis (nominal PF, USD 10,785)
C - Priolo (nominal C, USD 22,522)
Starters after the team turned into a BOT:
PG - Niemczuk (nominal SF, USD 5,132)
SG - Murdza (nominal C, USD 4,263)
SF - Virgil (nominal SF, USD 10,444)
PF - Priolo (nominal C, USD 22,522)
C - Macijevskis (nominal PF, USD 10,785)
I can't find an easy explanation for the way the lineup was reset. Perhaps it's just random at this point... And I guess it's not a big deal, it's just that darn curiosity that's difficult to handle sometimes ;)
Last edited by Yossarian at 2/26/2014 8:57:19 AM