Just a couple points to contend:
the key to the success was the fact that Italy can play a 2-3 zone and still manage to shut virtually every perimeter offense,
That's nice if you have the players, especially superior ones, to have the "best of both worlds" defense you laid out. If you were manager, what can be done differently to influence training, other than advising managers of key players on training?
nigeria had to be stopped, even on a normal vs. a CT. was it possible with the given roster? no way.
Overall, the US team was undermanned (talent-wise) IMO, against teams like Brazil, Spain and of course Italy, who also had the benefit of home court. Since the US had to maintain higher enthusiasm to overcome these teams should they meet, do you believe it better to CT to get a win, even if that means you're risking any chance of the ultimate goal, winning the tournament?
This was the case against Nigeria were it wasn't even assumed they would CT and even if they did, we'd still have a chance (only 8 point loss). If you knew that a normal would give you a "toss-up" chance of advancing, would you take that to keep the ultimate goal intact?
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