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From: DandyCC

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33639.15 in reply to 33639.13
Date: 6/12/2008 7:13:50 AM
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2) This one's a bit complicated. The ratings are not affected directly, but some side effects of the CT or TIE may make the ratings appear slightly higher. I'll need to check with the rest of the BBs for our official statement about this :-)

As you said, playing TIE/CT have influence on randomness during the game. Then, can I interpret your words as visible ratings are obtained not only the skills of players, but also on what happens during the game?


Español: Según vosotros dijisteis, jugar relajado o partido decisivo influye en la aleatoriedad durante el partido. ¿Puedo interpretar entonces de tus palabras que las calificaciones visibles se obtienen no sólo de las habilidades de los jugadores, si no también de lo que ocurra durante el partido?

Last edited by DandyCC at 6/12/2008 7:15:35 AM

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From: Emilio

This Post:
33639.18 in reply to 33639.12
Date: 6/17/2008 1:51:16 PM
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Currently, we don't have a cutoff for 4-5 and higher.
So, we have two questions. 1) Should we have a cutoff for 4-5 and higher (it seems you're suggesting we should; 2) What should this cutoff be; and 3) are the other three cutoffs at an appropriate level? We can certainly address all of these questions here.

We have discussed about your questions here: (35353.1).
It seems clear that most managers of the V division of Spain would like to have this cutoff for 4-5 as soon as possible. Most people think that the cutoff could be similar to those for 3-4 (around 50-60 %). Anyway, this is currently not a problem, as the IV division is quite close to be full, so they will be happy with just having a limit.


¡Me aburro! (Homer Simpson)
From: Emilio

This Post:
33639.20 in reply to 33639.19
Date: 6/26/2008 10:58:20 AM
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Maybe it has already been mentioned in the General Forum, but I am curious about a couple of things:

1. Excepting FT and Stamina, all the player's abilities seem to contribute in some extent, depending on the position, to the team ratings.
However, blocking seems to be "alone" in that sense. Does it contribute to any of the team ratings (logically I suppose to Inside Defense)?

2. Faults: People in our forum are wondering what are the factors causing that a particular player makes more or less personal faults. It looks logical that a tired player or a bad defender will ussually make more faults. But sometimes good defenders with good stamina are also making too many faults. Is there any relationship between the stamina (too low or too high) and personal faults?

I hope, you can bring us some "light" about these two questions... Thanks.

Last edited by Emilio at 6/26/2008 10:59:26 AM

¡Me aburro! (Homer Simpson)
This Post:
33639.22 in reply to 33639.21
Date: 6/28/2008 5:42:34 AM
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Good information!!! Thanks mate!

This Post:
33639.23 in reply to 33639.21
Date: 7/2/2008 7:09:19 PM
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It was really nice to have an answer for the two questions!

May I throw another coin to the wishing well?

As far as I know by just reading the rules, during the possession of the ball the game engine creates a series of "looks" or opportunities with different quality. Then the players would choose whether to use or not the "look" depending on several parameters such as the experience or the game pace. I guess the player will also consider strongly his own shooting ability regardless other parameters.

My question is about the "quality of the looks". Is it random? or maybe the overall quality of these opportunities is determined in greater or lesser extent by the team ratings (i.e. offensive flux)? In other words, the offensive flux only affects to the assisted shots or also to normal ones?

This would explain why the slow pace tactics (particulary patience) are so ineffective when they are used by a "bad team" (bad shooters but also bad passing and handling skills) against a good team (good shooters). The bad team always shoots at the end of the 24 seg so this good "look" to the basket never arrives. Therefore, these supposed "bad teams" really need good handling and passing skills to profit the slow pace tactics... However, the rules seem to state that a slow pace tactic is a good option for bad teams.

Thanks in advance.

Last edited by Emilio at 7/6/2008 11:00:20 AM

¡Me aburro! (Homer Simpson)
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