We should advertise on the Charazay forums or something, people seem less happy at the start of the current season there than usual. Site is apparently being run by one guy at the moment and it's being buggy too.
Charazay at its best had about 22k, not much less than we do now, currently they are at 9k or something along those lines, so there is not that much to gain there. Plus I bet about half the teams already there have teams here.
I have said this before, and will again, it is going to be to the community to build the ranks, we need to pimp this site every where we can
for instance if anyone will be in Houston this weekend for the final four, print off a copy of the logo, go get about 1000 business cards and hand them out along radio row or at other places where the fans will be en masse.
Send an email to the all local scribes and sports talk radio host, invite them to get a team, sell the intellectual aspect of the game.
Add #buzzerbeater to every damn thing you tweet try to couple with other hash tags that are trending...for that mattres we need to set a date and time to do a mass tweet to see if we can get the term trending.
Tell your friends on facebook.
hell bells slap up an ad in the free section of craigslist
Pimp this on sports forums you may visit.