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BB Poland > [NT] Wątek reprezentacji 2.0

[NT] Wątek reprezentacji 2.0 (thread closed)

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From: al_said

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30934.151 in reply to 30934.150
Date: 7/4/2008 6:54:22 AM
From: Ksiuu

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30934.152 in reply to 30934.151
Date: 7/4/2008 6:56:39 AM
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From: hatchet

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30934.153 in reply to 30934.151
Date: 7/4/2008 6:58:45 AM
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a ja mam normalnie na FF :)

From: Khazaad

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30934.154 in reply to 30934.151
Date: 7/4/2008 7:45:44 AM
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Możesz sprawdzić jeszcze raz? Zrobiłem pewną korektę, mam nadzieję, że zadziała.

From: al_said

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30934.155 in reply to 30934.154
Date: 7/4/2008 7:52:00 AM
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Teraz jest wszystko ok.

From: al_said
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30934.156 in reply to 30934.155
Date: 7/16/2008 12:58:18 PM
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Od początku drugiej rundy co chwila jakiś selekcjoner repry na forum NT poruszał temat traconych punktów w rankingu pomimo tego, że wygrywają mecze w II rundach Mistrzostw, my też po meczu ze Słowenią straciliśmy kilka. Oczywiście kilku GMów dowodziło, że nie ma problemu, do dzisiaj kiedy to BB-Charles machnął notkę na forum

The solution appears to be very simple:

Due to a bug, we have been awarding 0 points for second-round games.

I'll fix this shortly and recalculate.

I love this game, czy jest tu coś bez ukrytego buga???

This Post:
30934.157 in reply to 30934.156
Date: 7/16/2008 1:09:16 PM
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I love this game, czy jest tu coś bez ukrytego buga???

Tak :) te rzeczy, w których bug jest już odkryty :)

This Post:
30934.158 in reply to 30934.157
Date: 7/16/2008 1:18:52 PM
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I love this game, czy jest tu coś bez ukrytego buga???

Tak te rzeczy, w których bug jest już odkryty

Przy ich talencie wcale nie wykluczone, że usuwając jednego wprowadzają kolejnego. To jest jak dżuma, że zacytuję Anioła:).

Edit: świetny bug mieliśmy 142.2 pkt a po poprawce 277.5, no kosmetyczna różnica;).

Last edited by al_said at 7/16/2008 3:53:10 PM

From: hatchet

This Post:
30934.159 in reply to 30934.1
Date: 7/25/2008 5:24:51 AM
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Roch gotów :)

From: Ksiuu
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30934.160 in reply to 30934.159
Date: 8/4/2008 4:27:25 AM
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Widzę, że nasze orły poległy, szkoda, szkoda też że Golub nie potrafi zagrać meczu w reprezentacji takiego jak np w PO :/

From: al_said
This Post:
30934.161 in reply to 30934.160
Date: 8/5/2008 1:46:37 AM
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No to mamy wreszcie jakieś oficjalne stanowisko - BB-Mark:
Hi all,
I've read through all these posts, and I wanted to come in here with our official answer.

The basic premise is that these are supposed to be two separate teams for the community to follow. Of course there will sometimes be players that are desirable to both teams -- that's part of the fun. The NT and U21 coaches are supposed to communicate with one another to find out who gets whom, and that's why a first-come, first-served basis is ok.

Yes, you'll need to go deeper into your rosters to find the best players to fill both teams. That's not a bad thing -- more people in the community will feel included in there, and the DIV2 and DIV3 teams will have a better shot at getting a (young) player on the national team. That's part of the goal of the U21 system. This will also give weaker teams something to shoot for, since they will be able to make it further by focusing on only one team, if that's the way the coaches want to take it.

All things said and done, we've announced a junior national team, and we're not going to change the way it works just for a season or two just for the benefit of the regular NT. We've already announced it and have told people about it, and it would be confusing to the users in general if we changed it, and I really don't think it would add much.

I'm pretty surprised that the large countries are the strongest arguers in favor of making it a U20 team for this season, given how much sheer talent they have in their backups and reserves. I'm surprised further, since many of thees coaches were the ones who asked for a U21 team in the first place.

The U21 system is supposed to add another dimension to the NT system, and we think it does that. After having heard all your comments about it, we've decided that it's best to keep it as a U21 team.

I know this isn't the answer many of you were hoping for, but it's the one we feel is the best for the game, all things considered.

Good luck to all of you in the upcoming weeks!
