No sedaj pa grem malo drugam po domače. Ker so bile v zadnjem času spremembe bom malo osvežil z novejšimi podatki
vsak igralec ima zraven napisan potencial.Ali se je rodil kot kripl tudi če ga treniramo še tako močno z najboljšim trenerjem ne bo napredoval. Čisto vspodaj bo najboljši.
Do you happen to know the caps on potential?
Yes there is a formula for the cap and a 'Star' could 'cap' between 5.0-5.99 depending on the sublevel of the potential. You can still train past the soft cap but the speed will be reduced.
Buzzer-manager has a handy tool: (
You will need to create an access key from the preferences page in buzzerbeater ((
A complete answer would be to take this coefficients and multiply them by the skill levels (and sublevels if you know them):
PG 18% 28% 30% 23% 11% 50% 5% 5% 20% 3%
SG 45% 41% 40% 6% 6% 7% 6% 10% 25% 3%
SF 60% 23% 30% 5% 5% 3% 10% 20% 35% 3%
PF 34% 6% 5% 5% 5% 3% 40% 40% 40% 16%
C 8% 15% 0% 3% 3% 3% 46% 42% 45% 23%
The maximum number you get is the cap value of the player. Then you need to check that value against this other table:
Pot_Number Pot_Name Min Max
0 announcer...........10 10
1 bench warmer.....10 12
2 role player..........12 14
3 6th man.............14 16
4 starter................16 18
5 star....................18 20
6 allstar.................20 22
7 perennial allstar...22 24
8 superstar............24 26
9 MVP...................26 28
10 hall of famer......28 30
11 all-time great.....30 30
Is a 'star' won't be able to go higher than proficient in a particular skill
Yes you can achieve something like this at full speed if the sublevels of potential are high:
To calculate from the first table above you'd get:
PG: 19.88
SG: 19.59
SF: 18.59
PF: 15.19
C: 13.59
The highest value is 19.88.
At that value you may or may not have hit the cap for a 'star' player because the cap is between 18 and 20. An 'Allstar' would be guaranteed to be not capped at 19.88. In other words you can say you have about 94% chance (19.88-18)/(20-18) to be capped. With sublevels you're likely to be at 100% chance.
In any case the cap is really only a soft cap, therefore when you pass the real potential level (5.00, so no sublevels, would equal 18 in the table and 5.99, so max sublevels, would equal 19.99 in the table) you can still train the guy, it will be much slower and likely not worth it though.
Last edited by Lemonshine at 7/14/2017 10:27:16 PM
Last edited by Kk unoion olimpija at 7/19/2017 11:54:27 PM