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BB Slovensko > [diskusia] ME sezóna 13

[diskusia] ME sezóna 13

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This Post:
153679.16 in reply to 153679.15
Date: 8/8/2010 6:39:34 AM
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Ja chcem,aby sa u mna hralo,cize mi staci tato trofej :)

This Post:
153679.17 in reply to 153679.16
Date: 8/9/2010 3:05:25 PM
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zaujala ma ta bonusova otazka, kedy sme mi boli na ME ?

Feel free to ask me!
This Post:
153679.18 in reply to 153679.17
Date: 8/9/2010 3:14:45 PM
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Z manuálu:
The national team competitions take place over the course of two seasons. During the first season, teams will compete in a continental championship tournament that also serves as the qualifying tournament for the World Championships. During the second season, the best teams will compete in the World Championships

Z tohto mi vychádza, že na ME sme aj teraz.

A ani tu nepíšu, že by sa hrala najprv kvalifikácia na ME:
Europe Schedule: There are 48 teams in BuzzerBeater Europe. The 48 teams are drawn into six groups, with three groups containing seven teams and three groups containing eight teams. Each group will play a round robin from Week 2 to Week 8. The top two teams will advance into two second-round groups of six, with no teams from the same 1st Round group drawn into the same 2nd round group. Results will not carry forward from the 1st Round to the 2nd Round. These groups play a round robin from Week 9 to Week 13. The top two from each group play in the semifinals in Week 14 and finals the Friday of Week 14. The two finalists qualify for the World Championships. The remaining two semifinalists as well as both teams finishing third in a second-round group qualify for the Second Chance Qualifiers.

Viem, že niektorí to môžu nazývať inak, ale podľa manuálu začína kontinentálna súťaž skupinovou fázou. Išlo mi presne o to, aby si ľudia pozreli aj manuál a aby sa zblížili so systémom súťaží NT. Dúfam, že postačuje takáto odpoveď :)

This Post:
153679.19 in reply to 153679.18
Date: 8/9/2010 4:17:54 PM
Nitra Corgons
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Nitra Urpiners
Tak aj Narodny turnaj volame Pohar, ale myslienku to malo..

1 BBB, 20 Leagues, 10 Tournaments, 3 Europe Titles (SVK), 2 World Bronzes (SVK), 2 Europe Bronzes (SVK,FRA), 42 Seasons NT coaching
This Post:
153679.20 in reply to 153679.18
Date: 8/9/2010 4:25:13 PM
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ok, ok vzdavam sa

Feel free to ask me!
From: Matej_B
This Post:
153679.21 in reply to 153679.20
Date: 8/9/2010 5:04:51 PM
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Poprosím kompetentných (či už autorov alebo staff) o zmazanie príspevkov, ktoré nepatria do súťažného vlákna. Nech tu máme poriadok a diskusia nech sa vedie vo vlákne na to určenom - čiže používajte toto vlákno. Ďakujem za pochopenie.

Týka sa to príspevkov: (153680.4) a (153680.5)

This Post:
153679.22 in reply to 153679.21
Date: 8/9/2010 5:17:05 PM
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zmazal som nas riadne zrusil :D

From: Matej_B
This Post:
153679.23 in reply to 153679.21
Date: 8/17/2010 9:09:41 AM
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Neviem, ako sa podarilo trom ľuďom hodiť pred číslo zápasu pomlčku (alebo mínus?). Je mi to ľúto, skúšal som mnoho možností, ako sa to mohlo stať, ale mne to vždy odoslalo správne. Čiže body týmto súťažiacim neuznám.

From: Matej_B
This Post:
153679.24 in reply to 153679.23
Date: 8/17/2010 12:21:12 PM
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Chcem poprosiť Zuzku (zuzza6), aby vymazala svoj príspevok, aby sa to tam nezvrhlo na diskusiu. Chybičku som opravil :) Len som skúšal, či to niekto sleduje :D Ďakujem.

This Post:
153679.25 in reply to 153679.24
Date: 8/17/2010 12:25:03 PM
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Mal by si jej dat nejake extra body za tuto sutaz:D

From: KifaH

This Post:
153679.26 in reply to 153679.24
Date: 8/17/2010 12:45:25 PM
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Len som skúšal, či to niekto sleduje :D Ďakujem.

Ja som si to tiež všimol, ale hovorím si... tvoja chyba, moja výhra :))
