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175057.16 in reply to 175057.15
Date: 2/18/2011 9:33:53 AM
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-*-*-*- FAQ -*-*-*-

What are the best staff levels to have?
For new managers, a level 4 trainer (advanced) is the recommended trainer due to its cheap signing bonus and cheap salary. A level 5 trainer is thought to give an extra one to two weeks of training per season compared to a level 4 trainer.

The ideal PR manager depends on a lot of circumstances, but a PR manager of level 3 is generally good enough for most new managers.

The ideal doctor level is very much dependant on the level that you are playing at and how much of a risk you are willing to take. A new manager could probably survive with a level 3 or less, however at higher levels where players are far better in terms of skills, and the competition is a lot closer, higher level doctors are required so that players are not being injured for 2 or 3 weeks.

What are the specialties and does level affect how good the specialty performs?
The different types of specialties can be found here: (

Be aware that the level of a staff member does not affect the effectiveness of the specialty. This means that a Level 2 PR manager with National Appeal specialty will affect your opponents home court advantage as much as a level 7 PR manager with National Appeal specialty.

If I buy a new trainer/doctor/PR manager today, when will I see his effect?
Training takes place on Friday, and so the only thing that matters is the trainer level that you have at the time training takes place. If you have a basic trainer from Saturday to Thursday, but get an advanced trainer on Friday before the training update, then players will receive training from the advanced trainer for all minutes.
PR managers and doctors are used at the beginning of each game, and so the level of doctor and PR manager that you have at the time of the game is what matters. PR manager’s levels are also taken in to account at the time of the financial update for merchandising income. Seeing as salary is paid for staff at the time of the financial update.
So based on the information above you can work out when it is best for you to change the level of your staff.

-*-*-*- FAQ -*-*-*-

Last edited by Pipat Kitamakin at 2/18/2011 9:34:26 AM

This Post:
175057.17 in reply to 175057.16
Date: 2/18/2011 9:34:52 AM
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II. The Basics

End of Season Processing

Once the finals of every playoffs in BB is complete, the end of season processing begins. It’s also known as “Off-Season Processing” and consists of the draft, organization of the new divisions, salary update and game shape reset. Apart from setting your draft order and the line-ups for the two scrimmages you have in this week, you don’t have to worry about anything. The BBs take care of everything else. Just know that salaries will increase for players that have been trained and that the game shape of every player is reset to respectable. It’s generally not worthwhile to train game shape at all but doing so during this week would be a complete waste.

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175057.18 in reply to 175057.1
Date: 2/19/2011 3:01:34 AM
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i would also be happy to help the new managers in the indian community so i would be glad if u put my name in the forum.....