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Allan Sullivan

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210902.16 in reply to 210902.15
Date: 2/19/2012 1:54:27 PM
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As Barney Stinson would say...Legen.... Wait for it.... Dary :)

This Post:
210902.17 in reply to 210902.4
Date: 2/20/2012 12:16:08 AM
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He is a good trainee.
If he were to be given a BB rating it would be like, Prolific. So its not like he is the best trainee int he world ever, but he is certainly very far from a useless trainee.
Definately keep him and follow the advice given in these forums.

In terms of salary cap, generally you are looking at over $100k. But it depends on skill level. In buzzerbeater it was previously commonly thought that Potential determined how high a players salary could go. However this has been proven to be slightly incorrect and salary capping is now based on combination of potential and number of skills, in a ratio formula based relationship.

i seriosuly cannot find the bloody forum post that describes how the capping now works. someone help me out pwease.
ill mail it ya later when i find it.

This Post:
210902.18 in reply to 210902.17
Date: 2/20/2012 12:30:51 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Thanks guys for the help. Appreciate the effort :)