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Suggestions > release/cut/sell to the market

release/cut/sell to the market

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From: Kukoc

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220327.17 in reply to 220327.14
Date: 6/18/2012 3:36:54 AM
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This is a supercrap suggestion. Honestly, if you can't sell your player with a starting price of 1k, the player is not really needed in the system. If you can't afford him, then it's better to fire him before the next economy update.

This Post:
220327.18 in reply to 220327.14
Date: 6/18/2012 12:16:01 PM
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i said 1 draft point LOL and your mistaken there are lot of 34-35 yrs old with high weekly wage..

Your not selling to a exact player your selling to the market . High salarly players would be a exception to the draft ball. if manager want to sell to the market draft ball instead of fire.

Also you wont get any money for putting him onthe market. youll just get the 1
draft ball.

Or better yet, fire the player and don't pay the weekly salary. Everybody wins, except the player's children, but I imagine that anyone smart enough to con that kind of salary from shrewd businessmen as run BB clubs would probably have put that money aside.

From: Chekreyes

This Post:
220327.19 in reply to 220327.16
Date: 6/18/2012 8:04:36 PM
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I just hand mine over to the local elementary school for their weekly meat loaf...