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Draft picks sales

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227913.16 in reply to 227913.14
Date: 10/4/2012 3:07:10 PM
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Another part to take in account- pick sales can only occur at the end of the season, which makes it a very uncomfortable way to transfer money between teams because there is only one chance every season to to do that- This, and everything else I mentioned in the previous post I believe can show that cheating with picks sales is a lot harder than cheating with players.

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227913.17 in reply to 227913.16
Date: 10/4/2012 3:44:11 PM
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As mentioned before - cheating with players happens in public, with plenty possible watchers taking care and intervening via Cheating Ticket.

There´s an activity low at the end of each season concerning users who are currently not involved in the playoffs, so the amount of "real" monitoring of what goes on with draft picks comes down to maybe a handful coaches at best per league. That´s VERY few people to realize shady moves.

Zwei Dinge sind unendlich, die Dummheit und das All...
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227913.18 in reply to 227913.17
Date: 10/4/2012 5:19:08 PM
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But those people are the most reliable cheater reporters and probably the ones who normally report about cheating in players transfers- The active managers who take part in the playoffs and get notifications for how much every player in their league is sold/bought for.

From: Yotamnor

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227913.20 in reply to 227913.19
Date: 10/5/2012 9:13:09 AM
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If you'll read my first post you'll understand that just being able to sell your darfty is not enough.

Anyways, you keep saying that this feature will open up a lot of new ways to cheat but that's it, you don't give any reason why or how.
You don't even criticize the actual feature and what it can bring to the game, all you do is just invalidating it simply because of the unbased assumption that the new market might lead to new cheating possibilities.