1v1G because it trains HA quicker on the bigs and IS actually trains slower the taller the player is.
It's like you guys have never looked at the training simulator or coachParrot which use the coefficients estimated based on that data or just go by hearsay.
1. 1v1G and 1v1F train HA and DR exactly the same way
2. The training on HA and DR is unaffected by height
IS actually trains slower the taller the player is.
IS always trains faster for taller guys. Always. Both as primary (IS) and secondary training (ID, RB, JSF, 1v1F).
As I said before, JS has an elastic effect on IS but not vice versa so if you are planning to have the most TSP, then yes 1v1G will give you highest TSP. However since it always results in less IS it's usually not a good choice in terms of salary, cap and on-court efficiency, except for a few selected situations which I already listed.
Last edited by Lemonshine at 11/29/2019 6:24:46 PM