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Best Way to start?

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319537.16 in reply to 319537.6
Date: 6/27/2023 2:08:19 AM
Valley Boys
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Frosted Abomasnows
If your team is new, the salary floor does not apply to you for a number of weeks. I would suggest to take advantage of it and go under the salary floor and try to get as much money as you can.

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319537.18 in reply to 319537.1
Date: 7/9/2023 7:25:56 PM
Johns Creek Wave
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Holly Springs Haggis
I wouldn't do what you already did. Buy a bunch of players. But since that is done, don't buy any more, You can compete in your division. If you get promoted, you will get crushed. So it's more about laying the groundwork for the long run.

Don't put any money into scouting. Even if you are able to identify a really good player, there's always a chance he starts out with low TSP. Unless a player is HOF or ATG, they won't sell for much.

As other players said, put your money into the arena. It takes a while to build, but without it you can't make enough money to sustain your team. Aim for 20000 between bleachers and lower tier. Courtside seats max at 500 and luxury boxes at 50.

Decide how you want to train. Either big men or guards. Stick with it. Add old vets to fill in the holes, but watch the salary. You still want to prioritize the arena.

Once the next season rolls around, start looking for 18 year old rookies. Stick to All Star or Perennial All Star players. They can be bought for cheap and trained up to a pretty decent level. You want to avoid guys with terrible Stamina and FT. If you are training guards, you want OD to be Average or above. I also think there is utility in players that look out of position. A 6'1" center can be trained into a PG. Or a 7'0" PG can be turned into a Center.

Just enjoy the season and don't get wrapped up in the score. You want to be building for 2-3 seasons down the road.

From: Rasho

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319537.19 in reply to 319537.1
Date: 7/28/2023 12:12:19 PM
Prva Liga BiH
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Whatever you decide just don't buy top potential players for training. My advice to you is not to do that.
If you buy high potential drafters and decide to train them and save money to buy top players when you finish training of those drafters, you need to know that in 2027 you will have a problem because you WILL BE PUNISHED for training players for years by losing games because of your team's poor stamina in relation to opponents who do not train players, but can do stamina training.

My advice to you is that it's not worth losing your temper because too many things on this game are designed to make us leave the game and not to stay.

This Post:
319537.20 in reply to 319537.19
Date: 7/28/2023 12:54:04 PM
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Little Computer People
Please delete the last sentence of your post … you should not negatively influence others because of your own dissatisfaction.

founded in S3 IV.5 (34234) - returned in S28 IV.7 (34515)
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319537.21 in reply to 319537.20
Date: 7/28/2023 2:58:40 PM
Prva Liga BiH
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Second Team:
Did I said anything wrong or not true?

This game has 13946 active managers, 22 days ago it had 14235. It's decrease of 289 people... 2%

Where is it going? Do You think this game has any future if it keeps going this way? There's more negative things which forces us to leave it than positive which entice us to stay and play it.

Stupid things happen every few days. Each game has a different GE for substitutions. Imagine that one of your key players needs to play 13 and a half minutes to get a full training in a scrimmage game that you win by 80-90 points. But he only played 12 minutes as a second substitute. In a normal game, he would play 17-19 minutes. That's the last thing that happened to me, for example. And such stupid things happen every few days. That's why I'm not surprised why this game is losing players who came after a strong advertising campaign. There is nothing to keep them here. These numbers are the reality of this game, and I'm afraid it's only going to get worse and worse. People might think I'm a hater, but I'm just opening people's eyes.

This Post:
319537.22 in reply to 319537.21
Date: 7/28/2023 3:45:14 PM
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Little Computer People
Did I said anything wrong or not true?

Yes, because the original question was „best way to start?“, your comment „better not to start!“ is no answer to that question.

Last edited by LA-flaterik123 at 7/28/2023 3:45:37 PM

founded in S3 IV.5 (34234) - returned in S28 IV.7 (34515)
This Post:
319537.23 in reply to 319537.19
Date: 7/28/2023 8:10:17 PM
Tampines Fusion
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If you buy high potential drafters and decide to train them and save money to buy top players when you finish training of those drafters, you need to know that in 2027 you will have a problem because you WILL BE PUNISHED for training players for years by losing games because of your team's poor stamina in relation to opponents who do not train players, but can do stamina training.

Sorry to fuel your anger but nah, what kinda nonsense is that. Get yourself a level 3 gym and a level 6 or 7 nutritionist and you'll see your player's stamina pop without even needing to train. Stamina receives cross training as well, so stamina will definitely not be much of a problem. You also don't really need proficient or prominent stamina unless you're planning to use 7 man lineups to compete.

Tho I do agree that a starting team shouldn't buy high potential trainees to train. After all they're not stable enough financially. High potential trainees are more expensive, hence they won't get a proper return on investment out of them, especially when they can't train them at full efficiency.

From: E.B.W.

This Post:
319537.24 in reply to 319537.21
Date: 7/28/2023 11:21:40 PM
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If your sole purpose on BB is going to be to hate on the game and tell newer users to not join, please leave.

No one wants you to “open people’s eyes” by being negative and ruining others experience. It’s annoying and distasteful. If you dislike the game as much as you say, stop playing. It’s not that hard.

Bubbles BuzzerBeater Official YouTube Channel:(
This Post:
319537.25 in reply to 319537.23
Date: 7/29/2023 10:11:08 AM
Prva Liga BiH
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Second Team:
That is not true. Stamina progress is minor with a nutritionist of the highest level. That's what people with experience said. I have had a level 3 or 4 nutritionist all the time for years. No player has ever improved in stamina. It only helped that they didn't lose skills often. But once in a few years it happens that a player loses a skill. With the highest level of nutritionist, it happens once every few years that a player increases his stamina. Cross training for 3 and a half years did not bring any pop up in stamina, and I have gym lvl 3.

I paid hundreds of thousands for nutritionist salaries and it didn't bring me anything. I have been paying a lvl 6 sports psychologist for years, I have paid millions for it and what happened when some players played 110 minutes for the first time? Their game shape dropped from 9 to 7, as happens to those who do not have a sports psychologist. I would understand if it drops from 9 to 8 because of a sports psychologist, but 7 is too much for that level and price of a sports psychologist.

But OK. I think it pays to have a sports psychologist and that having one brings good results compared to those who don't. I just think that when some players play 110 minutes once in a few seasons, that drop in game shape must be smaller.

From: Rasho

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319537.26 in reply to 319537.24
Date: 7/29/2023 10:19:54 AM
Prva Liga BiH
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
It is fair to them that they know what awaits them in the future. No lies, no deception. Just the bare truth. New players deserve to know what to expect in 2027. when they will be near the end of the training.

You need to retain new managers with the truth, not with lies. The truth is the only way to keep new managers and to prevent this decline in users.
