Excuse me, I have just lost three pops by your training re-run. Why the hell should I be penalised for planning my training well in advance and changing it straight after the training update to be aligned with next week's line ups? Your message this morning said nothing about training being re-run, only that efforts were being made to fix it before the end of the day.
I seriously hope you find a way of giving people the training they planned for.
Also, I can't set my national team roster for Monday, as I need to see who has popped and who hasn't - as it is very close between two players in two positions. I am going on a trip this weekend, so I am not happy at having to wait until Monday morning. But I guess I can live with it if you fix it before then.
With your re-run, 62 of my training minutes have been wasted on a 26 year old who is scheduled to play 0 minutes this week. This is not good enough.
Last edited by Elmacca at 11/28/2008 6:28:39 PM