Charles said: the changes were announced and we should have been prepared.
Free throws give a passing up. Really? How could this be prepared? Those people who have made unique players spending much time and loosing games will definitely suffer now. The price of such players will go down. Ridicolous. The users with young trainees will get more advantage while the users having older trainees or capped players will not get much extra-pops.
Well, maybe I'm totally wrong. But...
Let's think of a player called Chauncey Kidd who has 15 passing and all the other outside skills quite high, like 16 OD and 14 JS. His salary is around 120k. Chauncey's manager, Phil, has decided not to train passing anymore, since he intends to sell the player at the beginning of the next season and he doesn't want Chauncey''s salary to go much higher than 120k. Phil considers Chauncey's training complete. So Phil decides to switch training to centers. But next week cross training is implemented. Phil gets anxious about that, and decides to train FT to avoid any major surprises. Friday morning, Phil logs in and his beloved Chauncey Kidd has popped on passing!! Now Chauncey has 16 passing, and his salary will skyrocket!! Phil's chest aches, he doesn't feel his left arm anymore, when he is about to faint he hears a voice coming from nowhere:
- Phil, come on! You are such an experienced player, wake up!
Then Phil calms down and realises that in fact there is no reason to worry about that pop. If Chauncey's passing popped, it was due to some residual ramdom training he received via cross training, and his passing sublevel should be around 15,98 or something, and now is around 16,03. Well, Chauncey's salary will raise just a bit!! And instead of selling next season a PG with 120k salary and 15 passing he will be able to sell a PG with 122k salary and 16 passing!! He will be able to sell the player for some hundreds of thousands more than he expected. Great news after all!!