OD trains in 4 weeks
HN trains in 8 weeks
ID trains in 8 weeks
DR trains in 8 weeks
ID trains in 4 weeks
IS trains in 8 weeks
DR trains in 8 weeks
SB trains in 8 weeks
In this scenario, a SF could raise a level of OD in 4 weeks while raising his ID, HN, and DR by 1/2 a level. Then he could raise his ID in another 4 weeks while raising his IS, DR, and SB 1/2 a level. Half a season of training would net one and a half pops in ID, one in OD, one in DR, and half a pop in HN and SB. That doesn't seem like too much, given that the wingmen I train get between 8 and 12 pops per season, which is fairly slow training I imagine.
Alternating trainings would see:
week 1 OD 25% ID 12 % , HN 12%, DR 12%
week 2 OD 25%, ID 37%, IS 12%, DR 24%, HN 12%, SB 12 %
week 3 OD 50 %, ID 49%, HN 24%, DR 36%, IS 12%, SB 12%
week 4 OD 50%, ID 74%, HN 24%, DR 48 %, IS 24%, SB 24%
Last edited by somdetsfinest at 1/13/2009 2:31:38 AM
Once I scored a basket that still makes me laugh.