Tonight's montage revisits the heroism and heartbreak of a long season with plays and days and displays which will resonate in the memories of those who "saw" them
Cue: as the season draws to a close we look to the second season ahead, though for some there are still matters to decide.
On a night with free form coverage most of our time and effort will be spent in the Cassell coliseum as Deronimo and the Generals renew their ancient blood feud. To the winner goes on inside trek to HCA for the first round of next weeks playoffs. To the vanquished a daunting trip along the road less traveled.
Quake is hoping being at home will provide the impetus to bump off the Bunnies
When the Pistons will defend their house against the Spartan hordes in their efforts to earn a playoff game among friendly folks
While Ladson looks to officially seal the top spot against visiting stormz.
Off in club fed the sharks will look to hold serve against a winners squad just marking time
2 looks to see if their recent additions will provide the pop needed to move at least one more spot up the division ladder.
While Masters will seek to avoid stubbing their toes to the bulls as a split ensures a first round filled with home cooking
And in a battle between two teams who's spots are assured the blizzards will be looking to derail the kitties title train.
Sybil will have her say, though it's become increasingly obvious she ain't worth listening to, the again she gets her picks thru spiritual contact with Jimmy the Greek so we now know why they are god awlful. The transfer ticker will get us on track in the latest FA moves and tonight's point counterpoint features a full on spirited debate about the new staff options now available. So stick right there, sit back like you don't have a care and settle in for another edition of BB2NIGHT!
Last edited by Coach Lambini at 6/26/2018 3:21:35 PM