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BB France > Projet Tutorat

Projet Tutorat (thread closed)

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From: skyhook

To: OoB
This Post:
82169.162 in reply to 82169.156
Date: 7/20/2009 12:26:13 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Balencesto ((35241))
- BoO_BoO (27360) (Quevilly Basket (85029))
- Bourrin (35919) Fresh Omen((84521) )
- Bressan08 (36124) (Riccardorm (35910) )
- eldi84 (27358)
- Jabby (36009)
- Jeff85 (35501) (LV79 (27329))
- kevincecarter (35730) (Le Potache (86907))
- KingOfKing (27479) (BoumBoum (88560))
- Looping (35773) ( MISSOUN (86249))
- Manu_B (27280) (CB Caen (85064))
- mbaps (87557) (Mr Mike (84814))
- Mikee31 (35799) -> Popodu32 (86330)
- nash (35830) (rondelle team (87360)
- ony (86128)
- PatMan (35694) ( BEN#9 (85295) )
- Perpete (35601) (Steuf (84907) )
- PieroA (27399) (El-Juanito (87765) )
- Sillver(27265)
- Skyhook (27325)
- Totutt (35353)
- tuckbess (35815)
- Vividus (35810) ( Corwin (87699) )
- Wimaol (35977) ( Pastaga Boys (88004) )
- zisvan (27162) ( slamball spirit (222781) )

From: skyhook

This Post:
82169.163 in reply to 82169.162
Date: 7/20/2009 12:27:28 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Lucas 97....Si tu veux m'envoyer tes questions....Je suis ok.

This Post:
82169.164 in reply to 82169.156
Date: 7/20/2009 12:30:06 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
- Baloncesto (35241)
- BoO_BoO (27360) (Quevilly Basket (85029))
- Bourrin (35919) (Olympian Golden (84521))
- Bressan08 (36124) (Riccardorm (35910) )
- eldi84 (27358)
- Jabby (36009)
- Jeff85 (35501) (LV79 (27329))
- kevincecarter (35730) (Le Potache (86907))
- KingOfKing (27479) (BoumBoum (88560))
- Looping (35773) ( MISSOUN (86249))
- Manu_B (27280) (CB Caen (85064))
- mbaps (87557) (Mr Mike (84814))
- Mikee31 (35799) -> Popodu32 (86330)
- nash (35830) (rondelle team (87360)
- ony (86128)
- PatMan (35694) ( BEN#9 (85295) )
- Perpete (35601) (Steuf (84907) )
- PieroA (27399) (El-Juanito (87765) )
- Sillver(27265)
- Skyhook (27325) (Carklor=(84535))
- Totutt (35353)
- tuckbess (35815)
- Vividus (35810) ( Corwin (87699) )
- Wimaol (35977) ( Pastaga Boys (88004) )
- zisvan (27162) ( slamball spirit (222781) )

Mise à jour, pour les nouveaux tuteurs, vous pouvez vous inscrire d'office.
lucas97 (84860) cherche toujours un tuteur

Last edited by Анатолий Степанович Дятлов at 7/20/2009 12:30:53 PM

This Post:
82169.165 in reply to 82169.163
Date: 7/22/2009 5:26:40 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Je l'ai également contacté, mais il ne donne pas encore de réponse.

This Post:
82169.166 in reply to 82169.165
Date: 7/23/2009 12:14:14 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
C'est pas grave non plus, on ne fait pas baby

From: lucas97

This Post:
82169.167 in reply to 82169.166
Date: 7/23/2009 9:20:34 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Desolee j'ai eu quelque probleme internet ! Bon qui est ce qui veux le plus m'entrainer de vous 2 ? Comme vous voulez ^^

From: coeurgr

This Post:
82169.168 in reply to 82169.167
Date: 7/23/2009 1:32:01 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Bonjour, je viens de commencer le jeu aujourd'hui et je me plonge dans les règles, aides et lecture de forum mais j'aurai surement pas mal de point à éclaircir et l'aide d'un tuteur serait la bienvenue ;)

Last edited by coeurgr at 7/23/2009 1:32:34 PM

From: coeurgr

This Post:
82169.169 in reply to 82169.168
Date: 7/24/2009 7:34:38 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Baloncesto s'est proposé en premier. J'ai donc mon tuteur
PS : merci aussi a ony mais il est passé après

This Post:
82169.170 in reply to 82169.164
Date: 7/24/2009 9:20:19 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
- Baloncesto (35241)
- BoO_BoO (27360) (Quevilly Basket (85029))
- Bourrin (35919) (Olympian Golden (84521))
- Bressan08 (36124) (Riccardorm (35910) )
- eldi84 (27358)
- Jabby (36009)
- Jeff85 (35501) (LV79 (27329))
- kevincecarter (35730) (Le Potache (86907))
- KingOfKing (27479) (BoumBoum (88560))
- Looping (35773) ( MISSOUN (86249))
- Manu_B (27280) (CB Caen (85064))
- mbaps (87557) (Mr Mike (84814))
- Mikee31 (35799) -> Popodu32 (86330)
- nash (35830) (rondelle team (87360)
- ony (86128)
- PatMan (35694) ( BEN#9 (85295) )
- Perpete (35601) (Steuf (84907) )
- PieroA (27399) (El-Juanito (87765) )
- Sillver(27265)
- Skyhook (27325) Luca97 (84860)
- Totutt (35353)
- tuckbess (35815)
- Vividus (35810) ( Corwin (87699) )
- Wimaol (35977) ( Pastaga Boys (88004) )
- zisvan (27162) ( slamball spirit (222781) )

N'ayant plus de nouvelles de Carklor, je prends donc Luca97 comme nous commençons a ce jour les échanges.

Juste un rappel, merci d'éditer a chaque fois la liste. Ceci afin de la tenir a jour.

This Post:
82169.171 in reply to 82169.170
Date: 7/25/2009 12:02:56 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
- Baloncesto (35241) (Graoully (87788))
- BoO_BoO (27360) (Quevilly Basket (85029))
- Bourrin (35919) (Olympian Golden (84521))
- Bressan08 (36124) (Riccardorm (35910) )
- eldi84 (27358)
- Jabby (36009)
- Jeff85 (35501) (LV79 (27329))
- kevincecarter (35730) (Le Potache (86907))
- KingOfKing (27479) (BoumBoum (88560))
- Looping (35773) ( MISSOUN (86249))
- Manu_B (27280) (CB Caen (85064))
- mbaps (87557) (Mr Mike (84814))
- Mikee31 (35799) -> Popodu32 (86330)
- nash (35830) (rondelle team (87360)
- ony (86128)
- PatMan (35694) ( BEN#9 (85295) )
- Perpete (35601) (Steuf (84907) )
- PieroA (27399) (El-Juanito (87765) )
- Sillver(27265)
- Skyhook (27325) Luca97 (84860)
- Totutt (35353)
- tuckbess (35815)
- Vividus (35810) ( Corwin (87699) )
- Wimaol (35977) ( Pastaga Boys (88004) )
- zisvan (27162) ( slamball spirit (222781) )

This Post:
82169.172 in reply to 82169.171
Date: 7/25/2009 12:56:08 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
CA thibérien
- Baloncesto (35241) (Graoully (87788))
- BoO_BoO (27360) (Quevilly Basket (85029))
- Bourrin (35919) (Olympian Golden (84521))
- Bressan08 (36124) (Riccardorm (35910) )
- eldi84 (27358)
- Jabby (36009)
- Jeff85 (35501) (LV79 (27329))
- kevincecarter (35730) (Le Potache (86907))
- KingOfKing (27479) (BoumBoum (88560))
- Looping (35773) ( MISSOUN (86249))
- Manu_B (27280) (CB Caen (85064))
- Mikee31 (35799) -> Popodu32 (86330)
- nash (35830) (rondelle team (87360)
- ony (86128)
- PatMan (35694) ( BEN#9 (85295) )
- Perpete (35601) (Steuf (84907) )
- PieroA (27399) (El-Juanito (87765) )
- Sillver(27265)
- Skyhook (27325) Luca97 (84860)
- Totutt (35353)
- tuckbess (35815)
- Vividus (35810) ( Corwin (87699) )
- Wimaol (35977) ( Pastaga Boys (88004) )
- zisvan (27162) ( slamball spirit (222781) )

pour ceux que ca interesse, je remets Mr Mike (84814), si ca dit à quelqu'un de s'en occuper.
