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Season 42 Y'all

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293541.164 in reply to 293541.162
Date: 6/24/2018 11:45:10 AM
Snow Blizzards
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Ya, losing to Round 2 last night all but eliminated me....2 games I'd like to have back this season, and that is one of them.....Oh well, time to get the young bucks some experience.....

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293541.167 in reply to 293541.166
Date: 6/24/2018 5:38:28 PM
Greensboro Generals
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you watch better call saul?

Sadly not really, I've watched some clips, I get the jist of the matter, but I pretty well cut the cord from cable ages ago. About the only thing I've followed is Rick and Morty and that is because it gets posted in full on YouTube.

This Post:
293541.169 in reply to 293541.168
Date: 6/24/2018 8:42:24 PM
Greensboro Generals
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yea rick and morty is good. Ive seen every episode, twice. They just got renewed for tons of episodes too. Im into astronomy so I get all the things they say too lol. Some things I still want to find out still, is evil morty the baby rick is seen holding when theres flashbacks and did he raise him, since he is intelligent compared to the rest of the mortys. Or maybe there is an evil cabal of mortys the same way there is an evil citadel of ricks, since there are infinite universes. Or that could be the original morty rick raised and abandoned to die that we see in the intro.
And maybe the show will eventually explain what hallened to rick’s wife, no mention at all.

The one "fabricated backstory" about Rick's wife is what I think happened to "simple Rick's" wife "Denise" because that Beth doesn't look like our Beth. There is a fan fiction comic put there where his wife is named 'Bonnie' and I think those have real potential as they show her to be Rick's natural match. What I think happened to Rick's wife, no matter how they personify her, is that she did what Rick offered to do for Beth and that is cloned her. But the process was not properly perfected and this clone had issues which led to Rick splitting. In that interim the clone wife dies and Rick shows back up.

Using this logic the thing to do would be for her to suddenly pop back up. I see a open of a woman entering the Smith home, hitting a button to deactivate her clone, goes to the kitchen starts making breakfast as you see a hand breaking eggs, putting on bacon and toast, mixing pancakes. But all you see are her hands.

The rest of the family wakes and comes to the table as we onlt see the this female character from the back. Then you see a set of older looking lips, a cigarette go between those lips and a lighter spark it up. Jerry starts to say"when did you start smoking again" when this character whips around holding a plate of pancakes

Suddenly you hear Beth scream "MOM" in utter shock as the angle widens showing the whole clan back together again as you cut to a close up of Rick taking a bite of pancake with a turned up smirk towards the 'camera' in a sly breaking of the 4th wall as you cut to the opening title sequence. Now if they ever do give us Rick's wife who voices her? My pick would be Angelica Huston.

Last edited by Coach Lambini at 6/24/2018 9:00:38 PM

This Post:
293541.170 in reply to 293541.169
Date: 6/25/2018 8:51:41 AM
CC Mavs
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Second Team:
D-Town Cowboys
I don't know anything about Rick or a Morty but the pics look like it's a funny cartoon, I might give it a shot.

Club Red

The Kittens are on cruise control as the top seed - until the playoffs, they may only wish to play spoiler to give the GOAT a mathematical chance of making the playoffs.

MOB - should be a lock for the 2nd home court seating while playing the bottom two record teams for the last two games.

CC Mavs - Control their own destiny - deciding whether to play the Kittens or MOB in the first playoff round.

Round 2 - Control their own destiny also - By winning their last two they are assured a spot in the playoffs and even have a chance a the 3rd seed if they can pull off a couple of victories and some help from the CC Mavs.

Snowy Ones - Are on the outside looking in. They are going to need help help and more help but they still have a chance to make it. Good News it looks like Gympro vs Goat and base off of this season, Goat has a chance to get a RED regulation victory, first I have seen in two years.

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293541.171 in reply to 293541.170
Date: 6/26/2018 3:20:31 PM
Greensboro Generals
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Tonight's montage revisits the heroism and heartbreak of a long season with plays and days and displays which will resonate in the memories of those who "saw" them


Announcer: as the season draws to a close we look to the second season ahead, though for some there are still matters to decide.

On a night with free form coverage most of our time and effort will be spent in the Cassell coliseum as Deronimo and the Generals renew their ancient blood feud. To the winner goes on inside trek to HCA for the first round of next weeks playoffs. To the vanquished a daunting trip along the road less traveled.

Quake is hoping being at home will provide the impetus to bump off the Bunnies

When the Pistons will defend their house against the Spartan hordes in their efforts to earn a playoff game among friendly folks

While Ladson looks to officially seal the top spot against visiting stormz.

Off in club fed the sharks will look to hold serve against a winners squad just marking time

2 looks to see if their recent additions will provide the pop needed to move at least one more spot up the division ladder.

While Masters will seek to avoid stubbing their toes to the bulls as a split ensures a first round filled with home cooking

And in a battle between two teams who's spots are assured the blizzards will be looking to derail the kitties title train.

Sybil will have her say, though it's become increasingly obvious she ain't worth listening to, the again she gets her picks thru spiritual contact with Jimmy the Greek so we now know why they are god awlful. The transfer ticker will get us on track in the latest FA moves and tonight's point counterpoint features a full on spirited debate about the new staff options now available. So stick right there, sit back like you don't have a care and settle in for another edition of BB2NIGHT!

Last edited by Coach Lambini at 6/26/2018 3:21:35 PM

This Post:
293541.172 in reply to 293541.171
Date: 6/30/2018 5:46:37 PM
Greensboro Generals
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Our opening package is bathed in nostalgia for the season gone past showing many of the most telling moments of the season which is about to go by.


Announcer: most seasons when you reach the end of the regular slate matters are well settled. For some that is the case, for others tonight's results have lasting impact going forward.

Diorite visits Deronimo with potentially second place on the line.

Though Greensboro still has their sights set on that prize though they will have to do something they never have before, and that is to win at the forum as Sparty lays in wait needing this one to ensure they get a shot at salvation in the relegation play-outs.

Ladson is in a no win situation as any sort of injury related mishap could derail their destiny, it will be interesting to see what sort of lineup is featured this evening.

Also stormz and bunnies battle for nothing more than pride

Over in club red

The kitties will settle into what could be a nice long stretch in the litter box with visiting 2 hopes to make their visit a short one as a loss could well mean they will be sticking around a few days.

The Masters will pay a visit to the winners who are playing their swan song.

Bulls and sharks square off in a contest where the winner gets to see a slightly more manageable relegation series.

And the Mavs and blizzards buck horns in a battle between two teams heading in different directions.

Sybil will see into her prognostications on the playoffs and relegation series. We will watch time run out on the transfer ticker. And tonight's man on the street segment will see what fans from each team feels about how matters unfolded.

So settle on in. Let us fill your glass until you say when, and let's get ready for the final regular season edition of BB2NIGHT!

This Post:
293541.174 in reply to 293541.172
Date: 7/2/2018 9:20:46 PM
Greensboro Generals
Overall Posts Rated:
Tonight's montage is a recapping of all the drama of the season gone past. The happiness and the heartbreak. The agony and the ecstacy.


Announcer: after 22 hard fought and contentious contests we now move into the second season. But now the stakes are raised as now championship dreams will flare or flicker out. Or for those trying to survive the wail of the spectre of relegation will see their hopes strengthen or will move to the edge of finality.

In the cross section of matchups to stay afloat sparty against blizzards is far and away the most compelling. The blues have dominated club red in relegation play for multiple seasons which has stretched to calendar years. Some think blizzard is well suited to turn that tide. Sparty though still will have a lot to say.

The stormz look to solidify their solid regular season showing sgainst the suspect sharks.

And bunnies are looking for a strong start though the bulls have been playing pretty good ball and might be prepared to provide a surprising resistance.

But the second season is all about settling a championship. And this season our field of participants are so close in quality that the chase to become champion could see some real surprises.

Over I club red

The top seeded kitties could find the Mavs formidable opposition.

The same can easily be said of the home standing Masters who have the significantly improved round 2 coming to town.

Over in big blue...

Top seeded Ladson has a stylistic nightmare coming to the low country as Pistons pulls into town looking to flex their impressive inside numbers

And up in the new river vally Greensboro and Deronimo duel once against as the hokies look to handle the Generals for the 2nd time in seven days.

We will get you to your game of interest, stay tuned for a great pregame as the little generals marching band is going to perform a star spangled celebration to set the stage though it will be nothing compared to the fireworks which will go off at the top of the hour. So stick and stay for playoff play as it's time again for BB2NIGHT

Last edited by Coach Lambini at 7/2/2018 9:43:48 PM
