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BB USA > Mentoring: A closer look at 1 team

Mentoring: A closer look at 1 team

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From: Xarn

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88540.164 in reply to 88540.163
Date: 8/27/2009 2:14:48 PM
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And by the looks of it, potentially a season more.

We have 3 very good D IV teams iin my division.

This Post:
88540.165 in reply to 88540.155
Date: 8/29/2009 10:30:21 PM
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I have recently spent money and upgraded all of my staff to 4 or 5. Just finished my arena to 8000. I spend alot of money on scouting and it looks like it will pay off as I look at what I may get. I look at every match-up I have and set my offense and defense based on their typical set-up and best positions. I also get a scrimmage every week and get all of my players 48 mins so they all get full training.

I have done pretty well since joining this game. I would however still like to get some advice or mentoring. It can't help to get better or know more. Someone please help. Thank You.

I also feel like I could mentor some people in lower divisions. As I am soon to start my 3rd season and I believe I will be in div. 3 depending on people quitting and if not will be a 1 or 2 in my Div. 4.

From: Phoenix
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88540.166 in reply to 88540.165
Date: 8/30/2009 1:23:25 PM
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Amazingly enough I made the finals in my league, finishing in fourth during the regular season. Since my team is on the road for the first game and I used my starters in the PO game yesterday, I'm wondering if I should go on PO normal with my backups on Tuesday(enthusiasm is currently 10 today.)

Then, I could CT on the last two games. Any thought on tactics to use would be appreciated, I think I may have to go inside against a decent outside defense.


From: Rambo

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88540.167 in reply to 88540.166
Date: 8/30/2009 9:36:48 PM
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Hmmm 10 is already pretty high. I am always in favor of going for the win rather than playing games in the playoffs. Didn't check your oppopnent but I wouldn't worry about training as much as winning.

This Post:
88540.168 in reply to 88540.167
Date: 9/10/2009 3:25:11 PM
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hmm somebody in the NBBA should tell me how i should play against your teams =P

From: Xarn
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88540.169 in reply to 88540.1
Date: 12/10/2009 3:59:32 PM
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So we've breezed through the season with little to no trouble. Training has continued on the guards and I think I've developed 2 really nice guards and have 2-3 that are prospects.

We finished the season with 1 loss and have won the first game of the finals. My hope is to lose the game on the road on Saturday in order to get the 3rd game and the gate receipts.

Assuming a win, I guess I want to know what you think I should do next to prepare for D III.

From: Dawson

To: Xarn
This Post:
88540.170 in reply to 88540.169
Date: 12/10/2009 5:08:17 PM
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No expert on success in D III, but I'd say to wait until you get promoted and then check out your league and the situation you have there. Bring in pieces that help against the specific teams you will be facing. Or simply continue to do what you're doing.

From: Zac
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88540.171 in reply to 88540.170
Date: 12/10/2009 5:57:28 PM
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Why did the sim decide to let my best player who has never been hurt get injured in the conference championship game. Bah! I lost game 1 of my final, because well, it's a one man show.

From: Xarn

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88540.172 in reply to 88540.170
Date: 12/12/2009 5:01:49 PM
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Interesting. Hadn't considered continuing to train my best player as an option. He'll be 24 next season so I'm was thinking of just letting him be a "finished product" type of player.

I'll need to think on it

From: Lee1950
This Post:
88540.174 in reply to 88540.173
Date: 12/19/2009 6:47:22 PM
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Awesome thread, everyone.

Brand new on BB, with my first match in 80 Minutes (naturally, against the only other active player in my 8-team conference!)

Despite knowing better (not my first online manager game) I've spent about half my starting money, so clearly I'm too dumb and new to ask any useful questions, atm, so I'll simply stay tuned to this thread.

Last edited by Lee1950 at 3/22/2010 4:28:03 PM
