G'day Marin,
Quick question/observation.
I think there might be a glitch in how career stats for international players are being tallied. As a side project I tallied up all of the historical data for the Aussie players across the last 50 seasons (massive nerd, I know) but I noticed the longer guys played the more likely they were to be about 5-6 games different in their totals to what is reported. I haven't fully checked it out yet, but I think it might be to do with the scrimmages that get scheduled at the end of one season but end up appearing as the first game of the next season. I think these might be getting counted twice in the data. Every player who has been out has been OVER in their games, points, rebounds etc....
It's not a huge deal, but I know a lot of people who play this game are stat heads, so I was wondering if there was a way of checking that?
Anyway, love the game, good luck!