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[ADS] Anuncios de Ventas (thread closed)

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From: Forgo

This Post:
284970.166 in reply to 284970.72
Date: 5/29/2017 2:34:22 PM
Cincinnati 88ers
Overall Posts Rated:
Antonino Rame ((30863721))

Harald Erlacher ((29846887))

Hudson Lagord ((33808362))

Last edited by Forgo at 5/29/2017 4:39:23 PM

Un optimista es un pesimista mal informado
This Post:
284970.168 in reply to 284970.167
Date: 5/30/2017 8:29:09 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Aún entrenable, 117 de SOS y ya pujado

Acaba esta noche (35737426)

From: ssuso
This Post:
284970.169 in reply to 284970.168
Date: 5/30/2017 9:18:01 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Florindo Zoletto (27469656)

Tiro: destacado Alcance de tiro: respetable
Def. exterior: sensacional Manejo: excelente
Penetración: destacado Pases: respetable
Tiro interior: excelente Def. interior: regular
Rebotes: inepto Tapones: pésimo
Resistencia: ridículo Tiros libres: fuerte

Experiencia: excelente STH: 75 (55 + 20)

This Post:
284970.170 in reply to 284970.169
Date: 5/30/2017 9:34:38 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
acaban esta noche

This Post:
284970.171 in reply to 284970.170
Date: 5/30/2017 10:01:05 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Urbico Revenga (33612225) Good for top Spanish DII teams, or DI backup.

There's an English movie called Urban Revenge. 1981, starring Morgan Freeman. Good stuff.

Revenga has gotten 12 pops since I got him before he turned 27. From 114 TSP to 126. I wish I could train him more but I got a serious training plan next season. I've trained several players who never could make NT into 130+ players, mostly by buying them when they're nobodies when they're pushing 30, and then resold them for millions less. Some weeks ago I sold Izzarrain, also a Spaniard. Was just 120 something, then 136... all when nobody believed he could achieve more. I've had two players who were part of Poland's WC winning team rotation many years ago, one of them was a regular starter. I love training so I hope the guy who buys him will be Spanish and loves him well. Not in the bedroom love. He misses Spain so much.

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From: Lepiz88
This Post:
284970.173 in reply to 284970.172
Date: 5/30/2017 11:26:38 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Federico Velloso (36895469)

This Post:
284970.174 in reply to 284970.173
Date: 5/30/2017 5:20:05 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Well, decided to put him up for sale now as it seems Spanish national games have ended for this season.
143sp. Can play in multiple positions. Pick him up while it is hot..
Zuhaitz Izagirre(29809783)

This Post:
284970.175 in reply to 284970.174
Date: 5/30/2017 6:59:11 PM
Fab Five
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Fabulous Five
Mercenario de última hora.
Garantiza resultados.
Precio asequible.

Osher Ganor ((30980744))
Rol: Titular Habitual

DMI: 4328300
Edad: 31
Altura: 6'9" / 206 cm
Potencial: Histórico
Forma: excelente

Tiro: maravilloso Alcance de tiro: fuerte
Def. exterior: destacado Manejo: tremendo
Penetración: prodigioso Pases: destacado
Tiro interior: colosal Def. interior: estupendo
Rebotes: maravilloso Tapones: destacado
Resistencia: mediocre Tiros libres: excelente

Experiencia: prolífico Skill points: 133 (72|61)

From: Diego10
This Post:
284970.176 in reply to 284970.1
Date: 5/31/2017 7:53:18 AM
GMA Team
Overall Posts Rated:
Hurritz Munduate, un interior español que rinde de lujo
.ha competido en ACBB bastantes temporadas en su trayectoria y seguro os ayudará en vuestros objetivos, ya sea en PO o para salvaros.
