You cant force people to say only nice things to you, because that would not be productive either.
This is not his point. It is not the part of disagreeing he reacts on, it is the tone/manner it is delivered. And I agree with him. In a lot of threads, new suggestions get slaugthered by a lot of users before it has had the chance to show its potential. Although the suggestion may never reach the game because of various reasons, we should all strive to welcome new users and new ideas, not brush them of like an annoying bee. If that is your most used reaction, consider taking a break, listen to some music, dance, or whatever makes you happy, before returning to the suggestion forum. Or, as a thumb rule, if you see only, or most of the replies going towards any given idea, there is no reason to repeat what others have said (there seldom is within the same thread, unless someone clearly missed it). Lastly: disagreeing should not force people to stop preventing their ideas.
...first one to call me a wuzz gets banned. ;P