While I appreciate the efforts to find a way to make trading possible without making it easy to cheat, I really have to say that I can’t see it working out, and believe me, I’ve spent more time that I care to admit thinking about this issue. The latest idea, that trading be allowed within a league, I’m afraid has the potential for cheating that would be difficult to catch.
In higher divisions with active teams, I agree that there would typically be enough eyes to assure that there is no funny business going on. The downside, though, is there will inevitably be difficulty at times determining whether some lopsided trades are attempts at loading one team or if there just happened to be a team agreeing to a bad trade. (It happens to the Knicks all the time!)
In lower divisions with lots of bot teams or inactive teams, managers will have a difficult time even finding a trade partner, which will seem unfair to them if other leagues have active trading opportunities (i.e. opportunities for roster improvement) not open to them. And with fewer active/knowledgeable managers in these leagues, it is easier to make a trade without protest from other teams, which means the BB staff has to find these bad trades, and as I mentioned in an earlier post, this is probably not going to be easy at all to catch. And yes, cheating can happen. There could be a team that wants to give up and another manager convinces him to unload players in a lopsided trade, maybe trading good prospects (with low salaries) for old veterans (with higher salaries) so that the trade data maybe won’t get noticed. Maybe two friends sign up at the same time and happen to get put in the same league (I know of this happening at least once before, so it could probably happen more than we think) and they decide to load one team up. Maybe there’s just a really stupid manager who doesn’t understand the game and a genius gets a new team and takes advantage of him. There are probably at least a dozen more plausible scenarios where corruption could happen In short, bad trades can happen, and in a lower division with little policing, it will create many opportunities for taking advantage of the system in a way that is detrimental to the integrity of the game.
It seems to me that we already have our hands full with a pretty good TL system that we can’t police perfectly, but well enough that cheaters do usually get caught eventually, if not right away. Maybe somebody here will strike gold and come up with a way of accomplishing a trade system that will improve the game, and I actually hope it happens, but I’m afraid that I’m skeptical on the prospects of success with this idea, and not for a lack of trying to come up with something that would work.
Don't ask what sort of Chunks they are, you probably don't want to know. Blowing Chunks since Season 4!