The tv contract was 3billion, so that's 150mil yearly. Perhaps that's why there was a extra clause in the luxury tax. 5 year span, teams can go into luxury tax 2 times. If they go there the third time, they pay triple the value. So the Lakers 53.7mil, would turn into 153mil, for going 20mil over the cap. Now we can speculate how many teams would even spend that extra 30mil, for going over cap, with 20mil. Perhaps 2? (Lakers, Knicks???), 3 (Mavs????????), everyone else would really think about it. I'm 100% sure, no team would pay 130mil, for going over 20mil, the third time, not even Lakers.
First thing you need to realise is, that the only ones paying for stuff in the organization are the owners. Everyone else is an employee, who get's paid and cashes his check, whatever the team income is. Businesses are made to profit. It's obvious, that if the system does not work, the guys in charge will say, how we move on. The guys in charge are the guys who pay the bills.
To my knowledge championships get won by
teams, it's not that D.Nowitzki alone was 2010-2011 champion, it was a team owned by the owner. You can start your own 1v1 tournament and hand out championships.
players so why should they take a pay cut when they have worked their whole life to be basketball player(owners didnt do anything they got there money from stuff thats unrelated to basketball).... the players are its biggest and only asset.... theres no NBA without the players but there will be players without the NBA
You have never prolly worked in your life or you have no education what so ever. I think that the NBA-s biggest asset is their teams and their fans. Being part of something, rooting for your hometeam. Players get traded, the teams stay the same. How many people from Cleaveland love James now?:) Obviously there are players that have more national appeal and their jerseys get bought everywhere, even here in europe. No doubt Kobe is bringing more money in, than his salary is. But there are only few of these kind of players. About the playing in europe part, some have come to play here, they have not actually shined here. Not really the impact everyone was hoping for + none of the european teams can pay those sums of salary. Where would you put all those 450 players, to China???:)
This responce has been open in my browser for 2 days now. Not been keen on writing this on weekend. It's bizarre how someone can side with players, who make millions, instead of sideing with the owners. who are losing millions in a closed system. I guess we will have to wait and see. Sure I'm sad I can't watch NBA games via League Pass, but I understand. I will start to watch again when they have struck a deal. I put my money on owners getting what they rightfully should get. Noone should be forced to run a business while loosing money.
Sorry for the wall of text:(
Last edited by Kukoc at 10/16/2011 1:56:28 PM