0:01 Ken Omalley tries to grab the offensive rebound, but the ball goes out of bounds.
0:00 Kevin Lavoie opens up the play with a pass to Juan Antonio Solis Zuleta. Juan Antonio Solis Zuleta bullies his way to this basket for a tough inside shot.
0:00 Scored
Unless the ball rolled the entire length of the court after Ken Omalley touched it (which would have run the clock out) this last play should have been a full court or half court heave.
Not a mod, but I will spell it out for you.
Do you see
0:01 Ken Omalley tries to grab the offensive rebound, but it goes out of bounds. Your assuming the ball gets placed under the basket. When in actuality it could have bounced the whole way back to either side of the court, 3 point line extended. You also don't know if its 0:01.0 or 0:01.9. That is nearly a second different.
0:00 Kevin Lavoie opens up the play with a pass to Juan Antonio Solis Zuleta. Why does the ball have to be rolled in. Maybe his defender was fronting him, and caught a lob pass over the top of him. From here its not hard to image this.
Juan Antonio Solis Zuleta bullies his way to this basket for a tough inside shot.
This doesn't mean your team stopped playing, it just means the got beat.
So, in the end, I don't see anything that could be identified as a bug. As a matter a fact, just last season, I played a game, where I trailed the entire game, only to win on a last second shot.