I only was trying to say that match viewer is not 100% trustworthy.i´m sorry for my english
It's definitely something where the game engine and the match viewer disagree; the shot at 47:24 into the game is called by the match viewer a three from the corner but by the game engine some sort of two-point shot.I'm going to look into this in more detail in the next day or so and figure out what went wrong.
I don´t think we can be sure that it is just a presentational effect. So let's wait for the answer of someone who knows and stop the discussion.
we aren't completely sure what is going on.. clearly from the GE perspective it incremented the number of points by 2... but somehow a 3 point signal was outputed. Obviously this is an EXTREMELY RARE bug.. so its source isn't as simple as there is some place in the code where a 2 pointer accidently outputs a 3 point signal at least explicitly. More likely there is some buffer overrun issue which caused some information to be changed in such a way as it appears to be a 3 point shot when in fact it was a 2 pointer.
can you be more specific .. what shot? or what player?