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BB Global (English) > Trades??


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71367.17 in reply to 71367.15
Date: 2/5/2009 9:54:58 AM
River Legends
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Thats not true, i was part of the "story" and i can tell you that the players were really powerfull (there was no overbid here). The manager of Jairo Leguina (Spanish national player) was trying to sell him at 5,0 and told me that he got an offer (from a foreign GM who also offered a player that finally was sold at 4,1, Aravo Moreno). He denied it because it wasn´t the kind of player that he wanted.

He wanted a real scorer and he knew about my SG, David Pardo Saenz, the worlds Season 6 Nº1 in points per 48 minutes. 19 shooting, 19 dribling, great range, great handling, good secondaries.. (10 skills over 6 or more i remember). He asked for my player and as i had 2 superscorers in the team (training since i started playing BB) i accepted to sell my player and get a SF instead (i didnt have a balanced SF on the team till Jairo arrived and i was thinking to aquire a world class SF some time ago).

It wasn´t a real trade, my player was a bit better so i adjust his price to the market value (i had an offer for him at 4,8 a few weeks ago). We put them at 4,0 and 4,5 and we decided not to keep bidding if someone came to fight for the players . We had (as TruestBaller said) the chance (and the brilliant idea) to put a "phrase" in our players and fortunately really worked : ), the players were asking to the people "please don bid for me, i just have in my head Black Snakes/River Legends" (deppending of the player).

I think that the trades should be penalized if we are talking about common players, (Why do you trade a normal player if you have thousands of them in the market???), but that kind of players are too difficult to see in the market, when we sold them they were the best scorer (who has chances to come back to the Spanish NT) of the market and a current international player of one of the top national teams of BB (Spain).

They were extraordinary different players and they werent sold at the same price, they were sold at the price that they would be sold naturally in the market (below the offers we got for them). We had the great idea using a game tool like the players sentence to avoid some people from bidding (none of us really wanted the money, the players were (and are) too different and specials, and the market doesn´t show this kind of World Class players.

I dont have to hide myself from nothing and i am absolutely proud of my career in the game and my life, im a honest person and i would never make things that my ethic dont aprove. Thats what i did when i was the manager of the Spanish NT and what i do with my team. If this trade is famous right now is because the players were outstanding and a lot of people saw them (and also because i did a press report explaining everything as i always do when something changes in my team).

Best regards.

This Post:
71367.18 in reply to 71367.14
Date: 2/5/2009 10:34:18 AM
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juice. . .

you mean no matter if that was intended just for both of them?


Each transfer must be for a valid price, otherwise you're pretty much circumventing the transfer market.

NO ONE at this table ordered a rum & Coke
Charles: Penn has some good people
A CT? Really?
Any two will do
Any three for me
Any four will score
Any five are live
This Post:
71367.19 in reply to 71367.15
Date: 2/5/2009 10:35:22 AM
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Trading has been discussed plenty of times on this forum. Trading gives nothing to the game but a great way to abuse and cheat end of story.

No, it's not nearly the end of story by any means.

If there is a "trade" executed where both sales do not run afoul of the transfer market rules, then it is perfectly legal, is not abuse, and is not cheating.

NO ONE at this table ordered a rum & Coke
Charles: Penn has some good people
A CT? Really?
Any two will do
Any three for me
Any four will score
Any five are live
This Post:
71367.20 in reply to 71367.19
Date: 2/5/2009 11:28:59 AM
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There are several darn good reasons most sports management games dont allow direct trades, and they have been listed ad naseum in all of the other 'why cant I trade?" posts.

In general (not talking about the above example specifically) any action that would give a competitive edge to one, two, or several players over another player/players is unfair and against the rules. If my friend and I make a pact to bid at or near the max of a players value (avoiding TL infraction) and then return the bid on another player of equal value thus evening out the money they have spent, they are gaining an advantage over those who must actually bid/sell without knowing the outcome. It sure would be nice if when I wanted to sell a player I knew ahead of time was going to get max value. It would also be nice when I am also buying a player to know I will have the money to bid high enough on the player I need (because my friend is bidding on my player and 'feeding' me capital) and to not need to actually work the transfer list for players and prices, I allready know who I am getting, its prearranged.

There is a term for this, it is called collusion.

Last edited by Heathcoat at 2/5/2009 11:30:36 AM

This Post:
71367.21 in reply to 71367.20
Date: 2/5/2009 11:32:43 AM
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I'd agree more if the players weren't subject to open bidding.

Our view is that each sale is judged on it's own merits, independent of each other.

If each passes muster, then we don't have a problem with it.

NO ONE at this table ordered a rum & Coke
Charles: Penn has some good people
A CT? Really?
Any two will do
Any three for me
Any four will score
Any five are live
This Post:
71367.22 in reply to 71367.21
Date: 2/5/2009 11:34:01 AM
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Exactly, as it stands now.

It is the change towards easier trading I fear.

This Post:
71367.23 in reply to 71367.22
Date: 2/5/2009 11:34:52 AM
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Exactly, as it stands now.

It is the change towards easier trading I fear.

I wouldn't fear it - it's not coming anytime soon (read: ever).

NO ONE at this table ordered a rum & Coke
Charles: Penn has some good people
A CT? Really?
Any two will do
Any three for me
Any four will score
Any five are live
This Post:
71367.24 in reply to 71367.23
Date: 2/5/2009 11:57:29 AM
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To ammend my statement I personally am not in favor of any type of trading, even the one mentioned above that is legal within the bid limits. Great pains seem to have been taken to avoid gaining unfair competitive edge in this game, and I feel in a small way this circumvents that. I have seen games in the past that will suddenly introduce competitive bonus' to those willing to pay, and large groups of people leave the game. Not saying this will cause that, just pointing out the importance of the appearance of complete level playing field, no tilts.

To pre-answer those who would respond- "who are you?", or "who cares what you think" (I know you are out there :P) I say I am 1/43751 of the total population, just like you. :)

Last edited by Heathcoat at 2/5/2009 11:57:57 AM

This Post:
71367.25 in reply to 71367.19
Date: 2/5/2009 12:59:59 PM
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I mean trades that concern just 2 teams and noone can not interfere. In this case they were open biddings dunno were they max bids in their sell range but they were still within limits. It's ok to basically trade this way atm but it gives still unfair advantage to both teams. So I and my friend start to train different positions both let's say 5 players. In a season we will trade those positions the same way just waiting for one big trade at the same positions to get the range up a bit. After that we trade 4 players I get 2 good ones for my untrained positions and he get's to his untrained positions. Now atm this is considered legal and there is actually no way of to counter it unless someone messes the deal up. It's risky but it's doable.

From: Plotts

This Post:
71367.26 in reply to 71367.25
Date: 2/5/2009 4:24:03 PM
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This thread is great. What a good read.

I can only make an observation concerning human nature in general.

Since our inception, we have found ways to "take advantage" of our environment. America only became the "super power" it is today due to near perfect timing (occupying land rich in resources) and the unfortunate "abuse" of other humans (Arawaks, Africans, Chinese, Irish, etc.) Just as England did so many years prior. Just as Rome did years before that. This list goes on (not trying to single out a country)...

Undoubtedly, we will take advantage of whatever is given to us. Behold, our destroyed environment as exhibit A.

This site is a microcosm of us. No matter what the managers of this game do, "we the people" will always find a way to "take advantage".

My stance is there are loose definitions of what the "right way" is to play BB. It will forever be open to interpretation.

So I play just like most of you. I try new strategies, watch the transfer market, buy a player I think is good, sell a player when I feel it's time, and keep my long term goals in place. I do this and have waaay too much fun on here. (at work right now, gulp {looks around for boss})

Therefore, I could care less if there are "transfer trades" because this is and will always be just a game.

From: Kukoc

This Post:
71367.27 in reply to 71367.26
Date: 2/5/2009 5:46:04 PM
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As I understand atm the game is not designed to involve trading. Team1 trades with Team2 nomatter how many players get switched. For example I have a 4,7k salary SF on my roster. I could sell him for 800k on TL without any penaltys. Would anyone pay that amount not likely. But I could trade with someone for any other position using the same mechanism. I would have a player I need on another position with no money spent. Atleast this way the trades are somewhat controlled. Giving teams just trade options without TL-ing would be catastrophic.

Yes I know there are players who do whatever to get the edge. Look for any loopholes or ways to cheat the system. Daytrading is one of them but with daytrading atleast there is the timeloss and sometimes moneyloss, even sometimes penaltys. Yes I have reported a lot of fishy transfers and few users have confessed that they got some amount of money taken away for that. I like to play games fair and I help the managers of this game to catch the offenders but I don't live in utopia land there will always be guys who will cross some lines for quick fame. When I started this game it seemed that it was full of multiheaded monsters. Crappy players bought for huge fees from teams with similar names <- these are the easy to spot cheats. What about the guys using different country login servers etc. One such huge transfer fee opens up a window for similar transfers for the cheater on other teams.

Ok getting too long, as a person who has worked on the field of catching these persons (ofcourse not in games) I know for a fact that you can catch 5-10% of those who actually know what they are doing and they will always be amongst us:) Good night...
