This is how you have a true player duel. Play equally crappy players around them... (25718439)
It's a shame that lucky fans aren't named anymore. The blank is boring.
I suggest they go back to the Lucky Fan idea, and take it a step further. Give the fans names, as if they were lucky enough to have their ticket drawn to participate. An example, using the above match, could look like:
Mike Jenkins from Elyria, Ohio gets free for a baseline jumper off of a nice pass from Wilson Aicardi
shot missed
Mrs. Ellen Forlani of Scranton, Pennsylvania grabs the defensive rebound.
Something like that. Or use randomly picked usernames for BB managers:
Jelme gets free for a baseline jumper off of a nice pass from Wilson Aicardi
shot missed
Mod-CrazyEye grabs the defensive rebound.
Never mind. It's a stupid idea.
Last edited by darykjozef at 9/11/2010 7:28:38 AM