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BB USA > Team Ronald or Team Chuck??

Team Ronald or Team Chuck??

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150237.172 in reply to 150237.171
Date: 9/11/2010 7:26:24 AM
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This is how you have a true player duel. Play equally crappy players around them... (25718439)

It's a shame that lucky fans aren't named anymore. The blank is boring.

I suggest they go back to the Lucky Fan idea, and take it a step further. Give the fans names, as if they were lucky enough to have their ticket drawn to participate. An example, using the above match, could look like:

Mike Jenkins from Elyria, Ohio gets free for a baseline jumper off of a nice pass from Wilson Aicardi
shot missed
Mrs. Ellen Forlani of Scranton, Pennsylvania grabs the defensive rebound.

Something like that. Or use randomly picked usernames for BB managers:

Jelme gets free for a baseline jumper off of a nice pass from Wilson Aicardi
shot missed
Mod-CrazyEye grabs the defensive rebound.

Never mind. It's a stupid idea.

Last edited by darykjozef at 9/11/2010 7:28:38 AM

Keep your friend`s toast, and your enemy`s toaster.
This Post:
150237.174 in reply to 150237.173
Date: 9/14/2010 5:38:54 PM
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I really wanted to see the Trickle Rainey scrimmage. Oh well.

This Post:
150237.175 in reply to 150237.9
Date: 9/14/2010 7:54:38 PM
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Rainey is in terrible gameshape. You do realize he needs strong-proficient next season or else Trickle will start over him.

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150237.176 in reply to 150237.175
Date: 9/14/2010 7:55:48 PM
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If he isn't in strong-proficient GS, he won't play at all. =D

From: Own3d

This Post:
150237.177 in reply to 150237.174
Date: 9/14/2010 9:47:41 PM
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go back and watch it. was the week of the all star break.

oh and Trickle will start over Rainey every game anyway.

This Post:
150237.178 in reply to 150237.176
Date: 9/14/2010 10:15:00 PM
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He is he really that far ahead skill wise? salary wise yes, but we know that is misleading.

This Post:
150237.179 in reply to 150237.178
Date: 9/14/2010 11:13:39 PM
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He is he really that far ahead skill wise? salary wise yes, but we know that is misleading.

I'm certain there are more great 20-year-old players out there than the three or four that people have been talking about, Trickle and Rainey included. There are lots of similarly-trained players in U21 since it's mostly an arms race and there isn't much time to train secondaries on a U21 player. Because of this, game shape is incredibly significant at the U21 level. Rainey in mediocre-average game shape is a much lesser option than other U21-caliber players in strong-proficient game shape.

This Post:
150237.180 in reply to 150237.179
Date: 9/14/2010 11:17:01 PM
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But what I was saying was, if both have proficient gameshape, why does Trickle start over him. Is Trickle superior over Rainey skill wise?

This Post:
150237.181 in reply to 150237.180
Date: 9/14/2010 11:54:55 PM
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Oh. You were directing the comment to Jelme and post 176, so I assumed you were talking about his comment.
