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BB Global (English) > Supporters protest against the delays of matches, training, etc.

Supporters protest against the delays of matches, training, etc.

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From: Saltori

This Post:
201393.175 in reply to 201393.174
Date: 12/6/2011 9:46:44 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Oh! That's new to everyone!

From: Koperboy

This Post:
201393.176 in reply to 201393.172
Date: 12/8/2011 4:01:25 AM
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Same in Slovenia. It takes appr. 1-2 hours for box score to show up. Only every 3rd or 4th game box score shows up immedately after the game.

Last edited by Koperboy at 12/8/2011 4:01:35 AM

This Post:
201393.177 in reply to 201393.176
Date: 12/8/2011 6:01:53 AM
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Same in Slovenia. It takes appr. 1-2 hours for box score to show up. Only every 3rd or 4th game box score shows up immedately after the game.

In America we do it big, the moment the game is over we get our box scores. USA! USA!

Check the Suggestions they are important
This Post:
201393.178 in reply to 201393.177
Date: 12/8/2011 6:29:28 AM
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You have the privilege that BBs live in USA...they won't screw their own!

This Post:
201393.179 in reply to 201393.177
Date: 12/8/2011 7:28:45 AM
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"down" here in Argentina we have the boxscores in a second. The longest I remember that Ihad to wait were 5, 10 minutes. But usually is like in USA.-

From: ilysian

This Post:
201393.180 in reply to 201393.179
Date: 12/8/2011 7:34:04 AM
Universitatea Cluj
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Second Team:
Napoca Praetorians
Probably because by the time your games are over, there are not a lot of games that are still running.
In my case, by the time my game is over, games are running in all the central and western Europe(lots of games!).

This Post:
201393.181 in reply to 201393.180
Date: 12/8/2011 7:47:22 AM
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what wonders me always in this context, that the reports come so fast after late cup rounds. Yes it is fewer games, but if every second german who make a scrimmage play at home, it should be still a lot or is the percentage of scrimmage player so low? Or which i believe is more the reason, did the bot vs bot matches need so much processing.

This Post:
201393.182 in reply to 201393.181
Date: 12/8/2011 9:10:49 AM
Matrix Mighty Dunkers
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I think problem of delays stats after matches is in additional time, because if only one team plays extra time we have comunication that our game is still played. And if the last game gives conclusive result than stats scripts counting stats and this takes few minutes.

but I observe at last saturday games that we have stats immediately after game :) there is progress I think :)

From: strilfe

This Post:
201393.183 in reply to 201393.180
Date: 12/8/2011 10:24:57 AM
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We have only 1 or 2 hours difference with USA... it's almost the same. And we've got a lot of users.

From: ilysian

This Post:
201393.184 in reply to 201393.183
Date: 12/8/2011 11:40:19 AM
Universitatea Cluj
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Napoca Praetorians
All the Americas have almost about the same number of users as Spain+Italy.
