Tonight's montage is a recapping of all the drama of the season gone past. The happiness and the heartbreak. The agony and the ecstacy.
Cue: Announcer: after 22 hard fought and contentious contests we now move into the second season. But now the stakes are raised as now championship dreams will flare or flicker out. Or for those trying to survive the wail of the spectre of relegation will see their hopes strengthen or will move to the edge of finality.
In the cross section of matchups to stay afloat sparty against blizzards is far and away the most compelling. The blues have dominated club red in relegation play for multiple seasons which has stretched to calendar years. Some think blizzard is well suited to turn that tide. Sparty though still will have a lot to say.
The stormz look to solidify their solid regular season showing sgainst the suspect sharks.
And bunnies are looking for a strong start though the bulls have been playing pretty good ball and might be prepared to provide a surprising resistance.
But the second season is all about settling a championship. And this season our field of participants are so close in quality that the chase to become champion could see some real surprises.
Over I club red
The top seeded kitties could find the Mavs formidable opposition.
The same can easily be said of the home standing Masters who have the significantly improved round 2 coming to town.
Over in big blue...
Top seeded Ladson has a stylistic nightmare coming to the low country as Pistons pulls into town looking to flex their impressive inside numbers
And up in the new river vally Greensboro and Deronimo duel once against as the hokies look to handle the Generals for the 2nd time in seven days.
We will get you to your game of interest, stay tuned for a great pregame as the little generals marching band is going to perform a star spangled celebration to set the stage though it will be nothing compared to the fireworks which will go off at the top of the hour. So stick and stay for playoff play as it's time again for BB2NIGHT
Last edited by Coach Lambini at 7/2/2018 9:43:48 PM