I will add that your team almost to a man is in pretty bad game shape; if you can manage minutes to ~60min/week for your guys and bring their GS from the mediocre-average range up to strong-proficient range, you will get a lot more production out of your players.
Also I'm not sure what you were charging before the last price update, but you can probably raise bleachers from $8 to $10 and still sell them out, especially with a level 3 PR, and decrease lower-tier to ~$40 to get those closer to selling out.
Finally Coco is right, a lot of your loses have been close ones on the road which means your team is not that far off, with better GS you would probably be winning most of those. Another thing you could do to give yourself an advantage is find a PR guy with a specialty; A National Appeal specialty might work best because you are already playing well when you're at home, and when you are on the road it will help reduce your opponent's home court advantage and make those games more winnable.
EDIT: Can somebody help me fix the two posts above this? I meant to give those 5-balls but apparently it is too early in the morning for me because I accidentally clicked on 1-ball before I realized what I was doing. Sorry guys :(
Last edited by J-Slo at 5/3/2010 8:29:14 AM