BuzzerBeater Forums

Suggestions > More player pics

More player pics

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114533.18 in reply to 114533.17
Date: 12/22/2009 6:54:39 PM
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Just make BB into text based Sims...
That is excactly what we don't want. We want flair. We want eye candy. We want... The Sims BB expansion pack... ;/ ouch!

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114533.20 in reply to 114533.6
Date: 12/30/2009 1:59:02 PM
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Good idea. Even though it isn't an important feature for gameplay I think it is nice when they mix up the updates with eyecandy and cool stuff to appeal to a broader range of users.

I agree. Despite my pragmatical attitude regarding this sort of things, I must admit that the eyecandy and general appealing presentation of BuzzerBeater was what got me stuck to it in the first place. Hattrick sucked in that aspect... and it's just a little bit better now, if you want my honest opinion.

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114533.21 in reply to 114533.1
Date: 1/11/2010 9:24:30 AM
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LOL earrings? you're not allowed to play with earrings...Headbands is a good idea...or even masks, like rip, even though they look ridiculous.

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114533.22 in reply to 114533.21
Date: 1/11/2010 4:17:47 PM
New York Chunks
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Players could wear their earrings for their photo, then take them off for the game.

Of course, once they start with the earrings, that could lead to lipstick, eyeliner, leg warmers...

Don't ask what sort of Chunks they are, you probably don't want to know. Blowing Chunks since Season 4!
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114533.23 in reply to 114533.22
Date: 1/11/2010 5:09:19 PM
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Dear Buzzerbeater, please keep nose, eyebrow and lip piercings out of this game.
what could be added would be fancy hairstyles and coloured hair...just like Birdman and Rodman

From: LP3

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114533.24 in reply to 114533.23
Date: 1/26/2010 4:52:38 PM
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11 Scale it down to what it would be in the real game and the messy bits are nearly invisable.