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BB USA > U21 National Team Debate Thread

U21 National Team Debate Thread (thread closed)

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From: FatCurry

To: Coco
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136134.18 in reply to 136134.16
Date: 3/24/2010 1:30:28 PM
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Jelme is the only candidate (and he is a very good one, in my view)

I whole heartedly agree, I speak to Jelme on a daily basis and will be giving him my full support and help if/when he does get elected.

I think your point that every country has latched on to the point that you need to single position train to build a successful team is entirely correct. And the only way we can beat these other teams is to get as many of our top prospects to teams that are willing to train them perfectly. On the offsite Wozzvt has been kind enough to make a list of the top prospects and I have made sure to contact each and everyone of those managers. What we need to do from here is either buy the players from the managers willing to sell. Or put these managers in touch with mentors who have successfully trained U21/NT players and let their wisdom guide them.

I will be in continuous contact with these managers and for those experienced managers out there who are willing to Buy or Mentor a manager please contact me, the more help we can get the more successful we can be.

From: Rambo

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136134.19 in reply to 136134.17
Date: 3/24/2010 1:36:13 PM
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Well, last season Coco gave me 3 players to look after. One went bot, one never responded and one had lukewarm if not spotty responses.

Maybe people like to figure it out for themselves as that is more fun than being told what to do, but I'm not sure why they wouldn't at least want a little friendly discussion about a player.

Moving forward I'll be there with FatCurry to discuss with managers training on a weekly basis or getting them to sell the players.

From: czobo001

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136134.20 in reply to 136134.19
Date: 3/24/2010 1:44:34 PM
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I appreciate your effort Rambo. I agree that there is little we can do about inactivity from managers, especially Div V ones, and I imagine that is where many of our best prospects land. If a manager wants to do things on their own, I respect that, but we have to keep trying.

My point is, IMO we need to help the managers with their team, not just training that player. If they are open to discussion, we need to give them advice on how they can set their lineup from game to game in order to maximize training and remain competitive. We need to act as mentors for the teams, even if that means caring about players who will never sniff the NT.

From: Rambo

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136134.21 in reply to 136134.20
Date: 3/24/2010 1:54:23 PM
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There used to be a mentoring thread. Xarn brought it up yesterday. Not sure what happened to it but I always had success with the people I talked to because they sought us out not vice versa. They also fit your point about not having players that can contribute but caring enough to help anyways.

hokies333 has 2 NT caliber players, sought out help and has been open to suggestions and actively asking questions.

Maybe it's as simple as opening up a sticky mentor thread and putting a list of "staff" members there who are willing to help.

From: Dawson

To: Coco
This Post:
136134.24 in reply to 136134.23
Date: 3/24/2010 2:38:30 PM
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The obvious answer is very hard to do. Get the prospects to people who care. I've been trying to get a decent American prospect for 4 seasons and I just haven't had the spare cash to buy one and keep my team competitive. The best thing to do is just to talk to as many owners as possible and encourage them. Make the NT environment fun and exciting and a community. It's all we can do. Hopefully we can get more activities like the NT Prediction challenge to drum up interest.

This Post:
136134.25 in reply to 136134.24
Date: 3/24/2010 10:45:18 PM
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That is the GREAT part about being a League V coach (and new .. .). Whoever the U21 and NT coaches are, I will single train my guy solely for the National teams . . .. that will do nothing but help my team. The better Harry Jeffries is . . . the better G-Men will be (in my opinion).

(by the way . .. what happens if I get relegated out of a V league?)

This Post:
136134.26 in reply to 136134.25
Date: 3/24/2010 10:50:28 PM
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Good News G5! There is nowhere to go but up!

You can't get relegated out of V. And if your active, and listen to all the fine advice our plethora of intelligent managers has for an up and coming coach such as yourself, I assure you that you will not be in D.V for much longer (having reached the finals with only a half season in the game means you wouldn't have to worry about relegation out of V even if it was possible, which again, it isn't.)

From: Rambo

This Post:
136134.27 in reply to 136134.25
Date: 3/24/2010 11:50:55 PM
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People need to realize you can only benefit from training a NT caliber player. Monetarily or schematically, there really is no downside.

As an aside, single position training is the best for your team in the long term. Yes you will have to sell some players to make it work but it does work.

From: Rambo

This Post:
136134.28 in reply to 136134.24
Date: 3/24/2010 11:52:42 PM
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I don't want to bog down the "debate" thread but I couldn't think of a better place to pose this question. If someone were to run for manager of a country that is blatantly non-competitive would it be acceptable to manage said country's team and advise on the USA team (or other similarly competitive team?
