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155264.18 in reply to 155264.17
Date: 8/27/2010 3:19:11 PM
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Sounds good.

From: Jason

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155264.19 in reply to 155264.15
Date: 8/27/2010 3:20:24 PM
Arizona Desert Storm
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If you're right this could mean that players have some sort of hidden 'learning ability' when it comes to gaining experience. Another hidden variable?

well, I am right in that it did for sure happen....I agree there may be such thing, because like I said, what would account for another player playing right beside him matching him in minutes and not popping at all? I suppose that guy is close to popping, but seems like it should have happened by now.

Last edited by Jason at 8/28/2010 12:10:46 PM

From: Hadron

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155264.20 in reply to 155264.19
Date: 8/27/2010 5:35:38 PM
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Why the bold text - is it because you're sure it happened? It is very strange what you say. What could have happened to that player in those 3 games? Sounds like Ron Artest in the NBA finals. Or maybe you sleepwalk and make changes to your spreadsheet without knowing it?

From: Jason

This Post:
155264.21 in reply to 155264.20
Date: 8/27/2010 6:02:38 PM
Arizona Desert Storm
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Why the bold text - is it because you're sure it happened? It is very strange what you say. What could have happened to that player in those 3 games? Sounds like Ron Artest in the NBA finals. Or maybe you sleepwalk and make changes to your spreadsheet without knowing it?

I usually try to bold my words to differentiate them from the other part of the conversation. I do the same thing in BBmails too...Doesnt it look better that way? Does to me. Anyway, I didn't make a mistake, didnt screw up my spreadsheet...I just took over this team last season, believe me, I know when they pop and when the don't. Anyway, personally I don't care if you believe it or not...i was just offering my experience so you all have that to consider in all the data and research that goes into this topic. How would lying help me, or anybody?

This playere was one of only two guys that I have from the origonal roster I took over. I often fretted about the fact that despite him playing the most minutes and games for my team, he stayed at attrrocious (1) way too long in experience. So believe me, when I saw him popped, I was excited...when he quickly popped again, I was floored. I have another trainee that was my first ever purchase and he still is a 1. Another one i bought halfway through last season, he is still a 1 too. I have a spreadsheet of my original roster, the players, their ratings, DMI, games shape etc. It says he was a 1. There is no mistaken that he was a 1, and inside of two weeks he went from 1 to 3.

What you do with that info is up to you.

From: Hadron

This Post:
155264.22 in reply to 155264.21
Date: 8/27/2010 6:13:45 PM
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I'm hoping it happens to my player as well.

And I never said or implied that you were lying. But mistakes happen and this sounded too improbable to be correct. That is all. Btw, replying to a post is enough for me to appreciate separation, so no, I don't get the need for attention. I mean bolding text, sorry.

From: Kukoc

This Post:
155264.23 in reply to 155264.21
Date: 8/27/2010 7:34:05 PM
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Seems kind a like that popped 2 skill levels with one training type of talk. I have tracked my players weekly aswell. I have not encountered something like this before. If you are checking players weekly then it's pretty unlikely that you made a mistake? I will not say it's impossible, but I would say it's highly unlikely. I'm for one am going to start screenshotting my every training result from now on. The written file might not be enough to explain or confirm the freak cases.

From: Jason

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155264.24 in reply to 155264.23
Date: 8/27/2010 7:40:58 PM
Arizona Desert Storm
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If you are checking players weekly then it's pretty unlikely that you made a mistake?

LOL, well, I am not going to keep defending what I said after this...but one last time for the record...I guarantee that is 100% certain this happened. This is not a mistake, oversight, or anything on my part. I was as surprised as anyone when it happened. I have spreadsheets coming out my ears for my BB team...My son, and a buddy of mine make fun of me all the time, but I track everything!! So anyway, for whats it worth, it absolutely happened like I said it.

Last edited by Jason at 8/28/2010 12:11:27 PM

This Post:
155264.25 in reply to 155264.24
Date: 8/27/2010 8:53:11 PM
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UFO's and ghost...I would put that 2 pops of experience in 3 games with these...I don't believe it...I track all my players using excell and the fastest I have ever had a pop was at 1150 minutes( pitiful to awful). I have also had a mediocre to average pop in 1642 minutes. I think you are talking about Game shape.
I would also be careful of posting stuff like this because it is totally wrong. Even if you had just bought the guy and played him once and he popped, I would believe that due to the minutes on the team the player played before yours, but the second pop...Sorry No matter how many times and even with the bold text..I will never believe it..

This Post:
155264.26 in reply to 155264.25
Date: 8/27/2010 8:58:11 PM
Arizona Desert Storm
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I don't need to be careful posting anything. Why would I lie about something like this? Gameshape really? have you ever had a player with attrocious gameshape? Maybe its possible I have never had one like that. I know the difference between gameshape and experience. It is what it is...believe what you want to believe.

From: j9s3

This Post:
155264.27 in reply to 155264.24
Date: 8/27/2010 8:59:30 PM
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Can you tell me the player that popped and the games (as in the dates of the games he played in) between the experience pops?

Last edited by j9s3 at 8/27/2010 9:00:04 PM

From: Jason

To: j9s3
This Post:
155264.28 in reply to 155264.27
Date: 8/27/2010 9:00:33 PM
Arizona Desert Storm
Overall Posts Rated:
Reg Rangel is the player. It was earlier this season during the cup tourney.
