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National Team Debate Thread (thread closed)

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169024.18 in reply to 169024.11
Date: 1/15/2011 5:59:54 AM
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I think an important issue is for NT players to have club stability, not being transferred every other week. That's why I think NT staff has to work together with club owners to ensure the skills and salaries of the players make sense both for the NT and the club. I also think it could help the versatility of the NT, with a wider array of usable tactics to beat difficult opponents.
With that in mind, I'd like candidates to answer a couple of questions.

forgot to answer a part of your question i see.

When i know that a manager of a NT player is trying to transfer his player, i always try to find another team to take in the player before he is put on the TL, to avoid seeing him on the TL all the time. however, it is often hard to find a team to move a player to straight away.

for example: Dunker Joe, the previous trainer of Jean Guillaume Hupez (10810633) made it very clear that he would be selling his Guard at the end of season 14. Thus, i had contacted a few managers, of which SuperSonics, since i know that he trains SG's, asking them to put some cash aside, so that they can buy the player and continue his training.

However, it is rare that a manager tells me a season in advance that he wants to sell his NT player. usually, he just puts it on the TL without giving a notice, or ( and now i'm referring to SG De Patoul (6837925) the coach had contacted me, asking me to find some guy's to take him over. His original message was, i'm selling De Patoul for less than 4M. I had 2 guy's who wanted to take De Patoul over for less than 4M, but he then ends up putting him at 4.6M on the TL, a price that neither manager wanted to pay, and they just went on to buy other SG's...)

So i do try to move NT players into clubs which can pay their salary without any problem, but the club needs to have cash to buy such a player, and they need room in their team too. sometimes, they need to sell another player in order to have the cash. And teams can't wait forever, so you often need to be lucky to find someone to take the player over right away...

anyhow, i'm forseeing 1 C (possibly a second one too) that should end up getting on the TL soon, and i have already put out word with the managers of who i know can
1) afford to pay their salary
2) could possibly continue their training.

it's useless to ask a IV or a III team to take on the salary of a 170 000 or even more expensive C, cause that will just kill their economy, which isn't something that i want to see as NT manager, since that often means the club will sell of other players, and thus, need to let his NT player play more games, resulting in a decrease of GS, nor do i want to see it as fellow manager, cause it's no fun if you have to rebuild your team because of one player that is draining your entire economy.

So moving players is hard, especially since, according to BB forum rules, you are not allowed to advertise for a player before he gets on the TL. All i can do is inform if a team wishes to take in a player of the NT. Moving NT players around is a very hard and delicate subject, which as LA, i have to use extra causion, cause i'm supposed to know the rules better than most of you (being on the BB staff also has it's disadvantages. much less room or errors)

hope that answered that part of the question.


This Post:
169024.19 in reply to 169024.11
Date: 1/15/2011 3:18:23 PM
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Depends what position you are talking about. Driving is one of the most important non-primary skills in the game.

For a SF, PG of PF, this can lead to many layups and alleys for the center to catch. I don't believe in a player having a 18 Js, 15 Jr and that's the only stats he has. A center shot blocking is important until when you get to prominent, then I don't like to have higher.

I like a sf that can shoot outside and inside, and can defend both. I like a center who can show defense and shooting instead of just rebound after rebound.

As for the second question I have to answer hypothetically. Some of the greatest player are only 60K, but someone else has 100K. Why is the 60K better? Well as a rookie many people train PG, SG, and SF in Js and Jr, while C and PF in Rebounding. I believe in more balanced players where they have all of the first and secondary stats 10 and up, instead of having just two.

My team I have had chances to bid on high players in Js, but I chose not too because they weren't balanced. I hope this answers your question.

This Post:
169024.20 in reply to 169024.19
Date: 1/15/2011 3:35:52 PM
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Wyatt, I'm not sure you noticed but you are no longer in the running. If you do know, and you stil want to debate to convince people you are the right candidate, go ahead, just know they can't vote for you anymore.

as for this
but it means that the club needs to pay 40k per week more for that player for skills it will most likely never even make use of.


If anyone needs an explanation, they need a lot to learn, but I'll give it, as else they might not learn.

Sorry Revo, but it looks like you are trying to convince me of not voting for you. ;þ

They are not your friends; they dispise you. I am the only one you can count on. Trust me.
This Post:
169024.21 in reply to 169024.20
Date: 1/15/2011 7:17:35 PM
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So who will you vote for? :D

This Post:
169024.22 in reply to 169024.20
Date: 1/16/2011 3:56:31 AM
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Wyatt, I'm not sure you noticed but you are no longer in the running. If you do know, and you stil want to debate to convince people you are the right candidate, go ahead, just know they can't vote for you anymore.

as for this
but it means that the club needs to pay 40k per week more for that player for skills it will most likely never even make use of.


If anyone needs an explanation, they need a lot to learn, but I'll give it, as else they might not learn.

Sorry Revo, but it looks like you are trying to convince me of not voting for you. ;þ

looks like you misunderstood me on that thing.

what i meant is: an a Guard, who has an ID 7 RB 7, will grab some rebounding ( say 5 a game) where as a Guard with 1 RB 1 ID will grab 1, maybe 2 RB a game. are those 3 RB's a game worth 40k extra a week? for the NT, sure thing, but for a player on club lvl, it ain't worth it.

i'd rather have an extra lvl or 2 in OD more (or 1 more llv JS, JR and OD) with ID 1 RB1 on my guard, than have a RB 7 ID 7 on a PG with less primairy skills. that is for my own team. For the NT, the better the secundairies, the higher the chance is that he'll make the NT, BUT that only applies for players who have got a high potential ( we're talking about a minimum of Superstar potential here. anything lower, and those extra skillpoints in RB and ID will mean that he'll be capping sooner, and thus, have less strong primairies)

that is what i meant by that example.

Last edited by AthrunZala at 1/16/2011 4:24:39 AM

This Post:
169024.24 in reply to 169024.23
Date: 1/16/2011 5:56:46 AM
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hmmm, we'll see what Thys brings us on the NT lvl this year, but i'm still not going to ask my SG's or PG's to get RB training.

IF they got a nice pair of secundairies, so be it, but i'll still prefer a SG with 2 more lvls of OD over an SG who has instead of those 2 lvls of OD ID and RB lvl 7

This Post:
169024.25 in reply to 169024.24
Date: 1/16/2011 6:27:46 AM
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@Joe: you say maybe? I say definatly.

@Revo: I think you convinced me now. Of course you need to look at it player per player and see how the skills are. 2 more on OD is not the same as 2 more on OD... It all depends on how high the OD already is, or is not.

I know 1 thing for sure. In the example Revo gave the first player who cost me 90k/wek wouldn't see the field in the entire week on my team, so he'd make me loose 90k each week.
The second one might cost me 40k more, but at least I'd be using him well in games. So the choice actually is: pay 90k and get nothing in return, or pay 130k and get a decent player. I think the choice is obvious.

In most cases, unless the OD realy is lacking (and in this case we can just better cry as there is no decent SG available at all and we might be better playing an SF or PG with shooting on the SG spot), I'd gladly sacrifice 2 levels of OD to get 6 more on each ID and rebounding.

Forget about the hattrick way of thinking. Primary skills are still primary here ni BB, but the secundaries are in fact secundary, and not 10 leagues behind as in the other manager game. In this game lacking a skill, even if a secondary, realy can cost you several games.
To take your example: a SG who is tremendously good outside but has all 1's on the insides, you are unable to play a man to man defense, because if you do, you will get your ass kicked by the oponent when he goes low post or even worse look inside as the SG will have no defense before him and probably scores 80% of his shots. So you are forced to choose for an other defense. the only other defenses, except for pressing, focus either inside or outside, if you have to gamble and gamble wrong, this will cost you the game where a man to man should have won you the game if you had the right SG.
The pressing option is something you can only use in specific circumstances.
No I definatly do not want to find myself in such a situation. I'd rather sacrifice 3 on OD then to have to drop the man to man defense...

There is no way that being able to get primaries higher still is a good excuse to keep secundaries low. There are also 3rd skills, and ok, keep those under 4 if that makes your secundaries and primaries better, but secundaries should be at least 4 or 5 imo, and if you talk about primaries over 14, they even need to get higher, to at least 6 or 7.
The only exceptions are few: a PG (and SG) can deal with a 1 on SB, and the C can deal with a 1 on JR. It possibly will cost you a few points in some games, but it's not significantly, and perfect players don't exist, there will always be some points where a few points will get lost.
But a SG with 1 on reb and 1 on ID wouldn't enter my team, not if you give me 1M extra cash.

They are not your friends; they dispise you. I am the only one you can count on. Trust me.
This Post:
169024.26 in reply to 169024.25
Date: 1/16/2011 9:24:43 AM
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Couldn't have said it better.

From what I recall, a BB once said that once your player dominates in one aspect of the game, he dominates. An extra pop in that category won't make much of a difference at all.
For example a guard with JS/JR at 14 or 18 doesn't make any difference if you are playing against a guard with OD at 12. Once you're a couple of levels above your opposition in a specific category, you better start training other skills like passing or handling, (which don't increase salary of SG/SF/PF/C, and don't influence the cap all that much, either, I think) because an extra pop in JS (14->15) will only matter if you play against someone who has OD >= 13.

I'll vote for whoever values skills like PASSING, DRIVING and IS for smalls.

Remember. If you play against a PG who's a great long-range shooter, but cannot drive and finish inside, you don't have to be quick, you can overplay and stay very close to him, because there is no threat he will explode past you.
But, if he can drive, you HAVE to give him space, so having good driving/inside skills will actually help his outside shooting, and in BB, his salary will be more efficient.

Last edited by Thelonious at 1/16/2011 9:26:22 AM

"Air is beautiful, yet you cannot see it. It's soft, yet you cannot touch it. Air is a little like my brain." - Jean-Claude Van Damme
This Post:
169024.27 in reply to 169024.25
Date: 1/16/2011 3:06:33 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
i disagree and that for the simple fact:

if you are facing a SG with JS 20 JR 14 and you can chose; have your OD lvl 16 (with RB and ID) or have it lvl 18 (without RB and ID) then i'm taking the second one.

difference won't be as big on OD 18 or OD 20 on that point, but between 16 and 18, it has a big impact.

i recall reading a post form a BB, that the difference in defence with the offensif skill, has alot to do with the chance to score. well, i remain in favor of what i said earlier. for NT, secondairies are beter, but i refuse to ask any manager to train a guard in rebounding, or to trian a C in HA/PA. first off, that manager needs to play him 48 minutes out of position, which teams who play in the BBBL obvliously can't afford to do, and secon off, trainng a PG/SG (which are typical small) at the age of 24/25 or older on RB, will make em pop real slow. it's just not realistic. if they got nice secundaries, so be it, but i'm not gonna give up primairies for secundaries skills.

