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Suggestions > Adding D-League option

Adding D-League option

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204205.18 in reply to 204205.16
Date: 12/10/2011 4:41:02 AM
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Again, as in my first message on this thread, I give the full credit for this (good) suggestion to you.
I just made it a separate suggestion as should be, sumarized it, and added a little bit of my concept.

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204205.19 in reply to 204205.17
Date: 12/10/2011 8:51:25 AM
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Hey thanks for the great input.

When i say Private league, i guess what im tryign to say is, that if BB wanted to test this D-league scenario out, they could run it as a trial in a Private League. Develop a Private league for teams who can run this demo-D-League to test it out.
Twas merely a suggestion as to how BB could roll this out as a trial run. its not really important though.

Upper league teams would then have less inclination to tank,

Yer this isnt a major issue in the game, But in saying that, im playing in Div III with an ex Div I team, who has millions in the bank. The day he decides to promote back up, he will do it. Not exactly that great a competition to be in. But like i said, not a major issue. he deliverately demoted to experience training younger players.

But you did hit the nail on the head here.
the development league would be interesting mainly for those top teams that find it fun
thats what its all about really.

Something that i think is a really hidden benefit of all this, is the benefit to the draft. Lets say that this D-league allows you to play your draftee's in it and bring them back to your normal league whenever you want. And the rest of your D-league team is made up of scrubs who cannot be played in your normal league. This will instantly give meaning and usefulness to the draft. i really think this is a hidden positive that would come out of this D-league idea.

As ive said, im still unsure about how the economic/training benefits of a D-league would work. I think these need lots of discussion. But im sure that a D-league would have benefit in some form or another.

What about if, your D-league consisted of
3 Drafted players who can come back into your league team. These guy's salary will be part of the normal BB economics.
and all other players comprised of fired/retired players, all U21, whom cannot be brought into your league team. These guys are on your D-league roster, but not get a salary, and as such, do not get trained, do not get paid, and do not affect the normal league at all.

At the end of the season, when you draft another 3 guys, you can use a combination of this years draft, and last years draft, to make up the numbers, to a maximum of 3 players. (maybe 4?.. dunno).

So lets use a real life scenario just to run it through in my head.
Ive got a D-league team, with my 3 18 year old draftee's. This week im going to train Rebounding. Everyone who plays at C/PF in the normal league, gets training, PLUS, any of the 3 guys in my D-league, who play at PF/C, will also get training. (maybe none of them?)

at the start of the next season, i now have 3 19 year old draftee's, who, may have gotten training, and whom are now potentially useful players for someone in the league competition. . Maybe i train them for another year. Then they are 20 year old useful players. Maybe i keep one, and sell 2, and put 2 new draftee's into my D-league.

Ok so whats the benefit to me now? Ive got a 20 year old with a $10k salary, whom i dont really use, so i sell hiim. Impact - number of $10k salary players in the system will icnrease, therefore reducing their overall sale price. BUT, positive. You will actually be able to find a decent f*&^%ing backup SF on the transfer market, for a decent price. Halleluja!

anyways, definately more discussion needed. :) more wine sir!

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204205.20 in reply to 204205.19
Date: 12/10/2011 9:11:20 AM
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Impact - number of $10k salary players in the system will icnrease, therefore reducing their overall sale price. BUT, positive. You will actually be able to find a decent f*&^%ing backup SF on the transfer market, for a decent price.

A decent backup SF in current market may not be a decent backup SF in a new market where additional training takes place. That training builds up to higher quality players, too, although it would take a few season to reach any sort of equilibrium.

If we assume everyone would do the development league training (in its simplest form the d-league training will anyway create some economic benefit), pretty much the only sure thing I see is that now some BB-determined minimum percentage of the whole training sum goes to U21 players. In current system it is in theory possible that no one would train a single U21 player. :-)

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204205.22 in reply to 204205.21
Date: 12/10/2011 4:06:37 PM
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So now we train 6 to 9 players and price will go even more down ?

1) Price is relative - if it will go down, it will go down for all users.

2) This rule may be defined on the first round or more. But yes, you will need to pay them anyhow.
It is each user desicion how to use them.

EXACTLY like in the NBA.
This game is about BB-MANAGING.

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204205.26 in reply to 204205.24
Date: 12/10/2011 7:12:50 PM
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eBay trading has no limits. Here, the more you trade in a span of 14 weeks, the less you gain.

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204205.27 in reply to 204205.26
Date: 12/10/2011 7:22:14 PM
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Every good idea seems to have some people with sarcasm. I think it's a great idea. But they're two completely seperate teams. D league teams can onlytrade with d league teams, real teams can only transfer with real teams. And you can promote players to your team once they're good enough. It's a fantastic idea.

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204205.28 in reply to 204205.21
Date: 12/10/2011 9:01:42 PM
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actually this rbings up a good point, on frequency of games. Your question assumes that D-league plays 3 games a week, or same numbers as normal league.

So maybe D-league should only be once a week? Just like a Private league?

In reality, if you have an 18 year old, and you are in the cup and a top league, you probably wont want to train him and as such, you wont keep him.
With a D-league, this would give you an opportunity to train that 18 year old.

It means as an experience BB player and trainer, im given an opportunity to train a young player, without compromising my Div I team.

Other people training their 'star' potential $4k salary 19 year olds in the D-league, will mean that when they sell them, there will be more skill-variety of 20/21 year old players going around.

I havent answered your question, but, I would imagine a scenario whereby the D-league is 3 games a week, would be a bit much.
