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The Baskin-Robbins season...

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From: Brutus

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270256.18 in reply to 270256.17
Date: 6/11/2015 10:17:30 AM
Brutus Buckeye
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
The Ironmen
Don't get me wrong, that was well played on your part.

It's just I'm still a bit surprised, especially at the impact of the GDP. If you look at the Matchup Ratings you can see a huge swing in your favor. It makes it look like I was totally out classed in the game which we both know is not correct.

I typically use a lot of different offenses and had a totally different choice for this game at first and later switched it to II, which unfortunately aligned perfectly to you GDP selection.

Last edited by Brutus at 6/11/2015 11:55:42 AM

From: malice

This Post:
270256.19 in reply to 270256.18
Date: 6/11/2015 5:11:30 PM
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I guess I'm giving stuff away, but you play BO/II in 12 out of 21 games thus far this season - more than 50%. In games where I expected you play as if your opponent is more challenging than easy, that number leaps to better than 2/3. Given Serafin was out, it made the likelihood of you playing an outside offense REALLY unlikely.

That wasn't really luck, it was a calculated risk with a pretty high dividend of a payout. - The half-crazed ramblings of a Lakers fanatic in Japan
From: Brutus

This Post:
270256.20 in reply to 270256.19
Date: 6/11/2015 9:16:48 PM
Brutus Buckeye
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
The Ironmen
Well, fair enough. However we got there it worked for you and congratulations. And, I need to be more careful.

Time to move forward and prepare for the next challenge. I'm looking forward to our next contest. I expect you to win the cup so don't slip up.

Last edited by Brutus at 6/11/2015 9:18:54 PM

This Post:
270256.21 in reply to 270256.10
Date: 6/18/2015 7:44:42 AM
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K-Mat fouls out, at home, in 14 minutes. Go home GE, you're drunk.

Good game, it was tight all the way through. Your boys did very well. - The half-crazed ramblings of a Lakers fanatic in Japan
This Post:
270256.22 in reply to 270256.21
Date: 6/18/2015 8:29:07 PM
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K-Mat fouls out, at home, in 14 minutes

Unless he is a Wildcat, he wasn't at home. That happens sometimes when you choose LET THEM PLAY. TBH, I wasn't even going to try and win the cup until Brutus was talking like I didn't exist. That kind of motivated me. I thought the coolest thing was the O-FLOW ratings. Those were some of the best FLOW ratings I have had for 2 or 3 seasons. I had a 19 passing at PG, a 16 at SG and 16 at SF and a 8 at PF. Looking back, I should have switched Maeda(18 OD) to PG on D to slow down the Birdman. Could have made a difference. Good game.

This Post:
270256.23 in reply to 270256.22
Date: 6/18/2015 9:10:09 PM
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My bad on place... but point remains the same - it's insane that K-Mat fouled out in 14 minutes.
My ratings were completely screwy with him not on the floor, so I'm not even going to pay attention to 'em. I do think I got lucky with you missing your prediction.

Fair call too on being dismissed. You were, and shouldn't have been (in my own defense, I didn't diss you... and I copped a slight one myself!).

Last edited by malice at 6/18/2015 9:47:29 PM - The half-crazed ramblings of a Lakers fanatic in Japan
This Post:
270256.24 in reply to 270256.23
Date: 6/19/2015 3:42:35 AM
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No excuses on my end. You won and it was a good game.

From: Brutus

This Post:
270256.25 in reply to 270256.24
Date: 6/19/2015 3:31:22 PM
Brutus Buckeye
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
The Ironmen
Malice, Congrats on your Cup Championship.

YC, Wasn't meaning to diss you. Just that if I'm going to lose I want to lose to the eventual winner, as a result I was pulling for Malice. No offense.

From: malice

This Post:
270256.26 in reply to 270256.25
Date: 6/19/2015 7:17:49 PM
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Cheers dude, appreciate it. - The half-crazed ramblings of a Lakers fanatic in Japan
This Post:
270256.27 in reply to 270256.22
Date: 7/11/2015 5:59:00 PM
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I commend your competitive spirit: will he be on your team next season, should you win and get to the B3... ?

Last edited by malice at 7/11/2015 5:59:52 PM - The half-crazed ramblings of a Lakers fanatic in Japan
This Post:
270256.28 in reply to 270256.27
Date: 7/12/2015 6:49:27 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
First...good game last night, It should be fireworks in the playoffs,,,,ONLY IN THE BIG 8
Really Big 8...two teams below .500 are going to the dance??


Last edited by Yellow cake at 7/12/2015 6:53:57 AM
