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Season 39 Smack

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From: Procta

To: TnT
This Post:
286986.18 in reply to 286986.16
Date: 06/21/2017 20:19:59
High Point Heroes
Overall Posts Rated:
This replaces the 3rd game income and a mean to deter people from throwing game just to have a third game.

Thanks. I can see the purpose for the $400K now and that makes a whole lot more sense.

From: Zenith
This Post:
286986.19 in reply to 286986.8
Date: 06/22/2017 03:12:15
Overall Posts Rated:
The rookies this year are so good and stacked. It's actually super tempting for me to sell my rotation players, tank to D3 or D4 to train again

From: Zenith
This Post:
286986.20 in reply to 286986.4
Date: 06/22/2017 03:20:42
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Just realized how screwed I will be with my attendance..... not to mention that my rivalry is Red Panda, a team thats always solid, all 3 of my TV games are against the champion and the runner-up from last season, and 2 of them are road games..... :'(

Last edited by Zenith at 06/22/2017 03:21:01

From: Zenith
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286986.21 in reply to 286986.1
Date: 06/24/2017 22:36:28
Overall Posts Rated:
NVM reported to the bug forum already

Last edited by Zenith at 06/24/2017 23:38:40

From: Jason

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286986.22 in reply to 286986.21
Date: 06/24/2017 23:38:59
Arizona Desert Storm
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Hey fellas am I the only the one here with an UNCHANGED ticket price? The system has stated that my ticket price were changed on the first day of new season #39 on 6/19, and it also said it would change on 6/24 which is the monthly cycle (which is also TODAY). But I played Arizona Cacti and received my total attendance revenue calculated in the old price (440K instead of 570K).

Not complaining just wondering if it were a bug that I can report and possibly get compensated though @GM-hrudey

A bunch of teams are complaining of the same thing....The site and file updates are still running slow because usually there are some off-season processes still running during the first week of the new season...I am sure that, combined with it being a newly adjusted feature has some growing pains...I doubt it get's worked out tonight...but I am sure in the next day or two there will be a fix and you will see increased revenue from tonight's game :-)

Last edited by Jason at 06/24/2017 23:39:26

From: Zenith

This Post:
286986.23 in reply to 286986.22
Date: 06/24/2017 23:40:37
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Thaannnks! I posted here cause I couldn't find the bug forum earlier, still getting used to BB's forums lol

From: Jason

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286986.24 in reply to 286986.23
Date: 06/24/2017 23:48:11
Arizona Desert Storm
Overall Posts Rated:
Thaannnks! I posted here cause I couldn't find the bug forum earlier, still getting used to BB's forums lol

You're welcome :-) Here is the forum thread: (

From: Zenith

This Post:
286986.25 in reply to 286986.24
Date: 06/25/2017 00:04:58
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From: TnT
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286986.26 in reply to 286986.25
Date: 06/25/2017 10:32:28
Beware of Dogs
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What did the Bullets do to deserve a CT first game of the season or is it that's just how things are rolled at uci?

This Post:
286986.28 in reply to 286986.27
Date: 06/30/2017 11:48:52
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this just has to happen RIGHT AFTER I bought a 35-year-old...... lol
